Every where I have went today I have been asked when I am due, and literally every time I answer "tomorrow" people look at me with a frightened look and disgust. I even had one lady ask me if I should be out.
Anyone else getting this response? I really cant fathom locking myself in my house at this point, Im going crazy enough with this anticipation.
Re: this is getting old...
Do people just expect you to sit at home and wait? Lamesauce.
People are idiots. They think birth happens the way it does in the movies, where one minute everything is totally normal and fine and the next minute your water has broken in a huge gush and everyone is screaming and you have to be rushed to the hospital to be rescued from this horrible scary medical emergency. Not so. I'd just give them the stink eye and move on.
DH and I were furniture shopping yesterday. As I was sitting on a couch to test it out, a sales lady came over and asked when I was due. I told her Monday and then she made a joke that if my water broke, we'd have to buy the couch. I smiled and then made a point of bouncing on a few more higher end pieces before we left!
My husband does! Every since I stopped working earlier this week, I've been going stir crazy. Thank goodness he works tomorrow so I can sneak out and go for a walk at the mall. Sitting in the house and waiting is making me go crazy!