3rd Trimester

Crazy lady vent

I just turned 21 on thursday....so last night i bought a bottle of wine.....I swear I had an easier time buying the damn bottle than I am just letting it sit in the fridge. I made the grave mistake of mentioning on a FB status and now people I'm not even friends with are chewing my @ss out. I had half a glass last night and didn't even finish it! I got approval to drink. I'm not sitting at home getting wasted! Am I that bad of a mother already?


crazy lady vent over.

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Re: Crazy lady vent

  • Oh gosh, 3-4 oz of wine is not a biggie.  Actually, red wine is good for the antioxidents.  I told myself that I will have some when I get closer to the end as well.  I would sooner, but my DH is not on board with it.
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  • If that makes you a bad mother then I am the worst mother ever.  I drank two glasses of wine at the end of my pregnancy the first time.  I drank 3 glasses with my last pregnancy.  I have yet to have wine this pregnancy but you better believe that come Thanksgiving I will be enjoying a nice glass of red wine after dinner.  I don't normally drink anyway and usually save drinking for special occasions...a half glass of wine isn't going to hurt my baby.  Over in Europe women drink wine through out their entire pregnancies.  Flame me if you want but I got the all clear from my Dr each pregnancy.
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  • SO not a bad mother!  I had a little bit at book club the other night and some of a glass when I went to Chicago a couple weeks back.  I just make sure I'm in the presence of people who aren't going to give me a hard time about it...it is just easier that way.
  • I buy beer for DH all the time when I am grocery shopping and I have gotten some pretty severe comments, like "I can't believe you would even think of drinking that while pregnant."  I have gotten to where I don't say anything or I tell them if I was going to drink something that was bad for the baby it would be vodka and cranberry juice or jack and coke.   

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  • DH actually said that if I DON'T have a glass of wine for Christmas he'll be mad at me! Its not going to hurt your baby at all, and it doesn't make you a bad mother! People just don't know specifics so they just repeat what they hear. Like getting chewed for having a coke. I'm allowed to have some caffine you know!
  • You are not a bad mother.  I had 1/2 a glass with DS2 on New Years Eve.  Relax it is a rite of passage.
  • Oh gosh, I drink coffee at work and I think people are too scared to say anything.  I think the girls at work are like, whatever keeps her going let her do it.  One morning I was dragging so bad another nurse made me a cup and brought it to me!  LOL.  Poor LO is going to be addicted to coffee when she comes out. 

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  • happy late birthday. don't worry, a glass of wine won't hurt LO. 
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