I just discovered where LOs butt is! I am so happy to know where he is positioned now I can't stop poking at him. I get worried though that I might be poking too much...is there such a thing? I just want to feel him and watch him move I can't help myself! But I also don't want to be creating any damage or something like that....thanks!
Re: Is there such a thing as too much poking?
you're fine. He's pretty well insulated so unless you're hitting him hard enough to bruise yourself he's good.
I will actually lay on the couch sometimes and poke my stomach just to watch Bunny push back. It makes me giggle so much.
Ha! Isn't that fun!
I get worried about throwing off her little schedule because I wake her up. I don't poke though. That kinda hurts. I push a little here and there until I figure out where she is and then I rub my belly.
I get this too...
This! The other night he said "Leave him alone!"