Am I stupid for not calling my ob?
Yesterday I was in the car with my friend and we were stopped at a red light. The guy behind was completely stopped, but then accidenlty rolled into her because he took his foot off the break a little. We felt a little bump and looked at eachother and kind of didn't know if he hit us or not because it wasn't hard. It was a tap and it barely julted us.
I feel fine. I've felt LO move a lot since. My DH, parents, everyone I talked too thinks it's no big deal b/c LO is so cushioned in there, but now I kind of feel bad that I didn't call my ob to tell her. I feel like I jult myself more when I get out of bed, stand up, or when I'm working out, but I can't help but be a little paranoid.
Was it stupid of me not to call the ob? I didn't really think it was a big deal until last night when I was laying an bed. I kept thinking "maybe I should've called". Should I call today just to tell her? I know they're not in the office, so I don't want to page her for an emergency if it's not a big deal.
Re: Should I have called the dr?
here's my experience....(long story short, not worth it if LO is moving around)
i was rear ended in bumper to bumper traffic. i had a minor dent in my rear bumper, but all it was for me was an unexpected jolt. the airbag did not deploy. The girl behind me did have an airbag that deployed... an hour or so later i was back on my way to meet a friend for dinner. But EVERYONE was ike "are you sure you're ok, you should call the dr"
so, the next morning at work i caved and called the ob. They without doubt said i should go to the er to get checked out. I said "for real? i have no pain and he's moving around" i made them go ask someone else, and confirmed, "yes, you need to get checked out, even if to document it". So, at 10 am, i had to pack up and drive myself to the er, which involved a lot of questions, sitting around, and then finally a couple hours strapped to a fetal monitor in a bed. which confirmed what i felt....heartbeat fine, movement fine. and they let me go. i didn't even have my husband come, and was annoyed by the whole thing. i blackberried from my bed the whole time because i unexpextedly missed work!
No way. Babies are well protected and you barely felt the impact. What really could have happened?
I took a big tumble in our kitchen last week and crashed into our cabinets. My back/shoulders took the impact and baby has been moving around a ton, so it didn't occur to me to worry.