3rd Trimester

FYI: Leg Cramps

I think y'all jinxed me with all the leg cramp talk lately. Many advised (myself included) to flex your foot upward to relieve the pain. Well girls, that's not always true. It depends on what muscle is cramping. If it's your CALF, then yes, flex your foot upwards. My cramp last night was on my side muscle (sorry, not sure what it's called but it's sort of on the outside, near my shin) and flexing it up only made it way worse. I brought my leg inward (indian style) and that REALLY helped.

So, I guess the moral of the story is, flex it to the opposite side of where the muscle actually is. Seems like common sense, but I just didn't see that advice during the many charlie horse posts lately. Thanks :)

Re: FYI: Leg Cramps

  • And drink water like you just got out of being stranded in a desert for a week!
  • imagetree_stump:
    And drink water like you just got out of being stranded in a desert for a week!

    Just an FYI - dehydration isn't the only cause.  So if you're drinking lots of water and still getting them, up your potassium intake (bananas and OJ are easy sources) and you will be surprised!

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