3rd Trimester

Can't sleep

Ugh, DH and I are both awake.  He's watching Walk Hard and I can't stand that movie.  I fell asleep in the theater during that movie and thought, well maybe it work tonight.  Nope.  So I am doing laundry and bumping.  I am so tired of hurting all the time and walking like a person in bad need of hip replacement surgery.   Ugh.  Sorry I am whining but this is getting old.  I know they say it is just getting me ready for the baby being up every two hours but if I get 2 hours in a row of sleep I am going to be so excited! 

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Re: Can't sleep

  • I just stormed out of our bedroom in a huff because DH has kept me awake the last 3 nights...so I'm up with you.  I've given up on sleep for the next 18 years.
  • I have given up too. Hopefully this will wear me out enough that tomorrow night (or tonight really) I will sleep better.  I would be happy with 4 straight hours of sleep with no creepy dreams.  Those are no help either cause then I am awake obsessing over the dream. 

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  • I haven't been dreaming (that I can remember) but DH has and it's driving me insane.  Every time he gets stressed out (and he's freaking out over the baby coming so soon) he starts sleep walking/talking so I get full reenactments of every dream he has. 

    Tonight he kept putting his arm over my face. I told him to roll over and he told me that he was trying to get his arm around his MDU (the computer he has in his police cruiser) to get comfortable.   Then he got out of bed, walked to the door and when I asked where he was going he told me he was trying to find the Sergeant's office.

    I should have let him keep walking so I could get back to sleep hah

  • You two are not alone. I have been up since 2:30! I have tried several times to go back to sleep but I just can't make my mind stop! I hate nights like this! 
  • Every time i go to the bathroom, i look at the time and its just an hour from the last one and half an hour since i closed my eyesCrying

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