3rd Trimester

Carter's receiving blankets are awesome...

I don't know what kind I got for DS, but in comparision the the Carter's ones, they're crap. These are so much bigger- I think I might actually be able to swaddle LO this time!

Re: Carter's receiving blankets are awesome...

  • I am certainly on the hunt for larger ones this time too.  I got 2 packs of those muselin swaddling blankets at target too and they are plenty big enough.

    Normal ones are good for nothing except maybe a cover in the carseat

  • Don't know if you sew, but my mom had the idea to get 1 yard of flannel and sew around the edges for bigger recieving blankets! Now i cant stop finding cute ones!
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  • imagetoofastxrsqt:
    Don't know if you sew, but my mom had the idea to get 1 yard of flannel and sew around the edges for bigger recieving blankets! Now i cant stop finding cute ones!

    Yeah, I sew, but honestly would rather just buy some pre-made rather than spend time making my own right now- time isn't a commodity I have much of these days!

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