So the first group arrives at 4:40 p.m. which I think is a little early. The first snot nosed kid says "I don't like your dog." Well, my dogs were nowhere in sight but you could hear them barking inside. So kid #2 just stands there with his bag clutched closed and stares at me. Mom from the curb yells "trick or treat" and then this kid proceeds to tell me that he doesn't like chocolate. Well too f-ing bad you little brat! No, of course I don't say that. I smile sweetly and say "Sorry, that is all we have." So mom yells from the curb "I eat chocolate. Give it to him anyways." Well, I wanted to yell back "Well, I can't force your snot nosed kid to open his bag if he doesn't like chocolate just so you can eat it!" Seriously people, why are you sending your obviously sick children out in the cold for candy? I wanted to go inside and disinfect my entire body. DH can get the door next time.
Re: Ugh! I don't think I have the patience for Trick or Treaters this year...
What a perfect time to go! I'm sure Toys R Us and places like that are deserted! Great idea
Nordstrom, Ann Taylor, and Banana Republic were all empty except for us and the salespeople! It's seriously the best time to shop