So Imnot going to get into the whole thing but with DS my grandmother annoyed the crap out of me

I know sad but she would come over before i woke up, and take the baby. Now she is in her 70s and I couldnt sleep knowing she was going to walk down and up two flights of stairs, not to mention she "Simba-d" DS over the balcony, tried to kiss his face with a cold sore, doesnt wash her hands EVER, has THE strongest perfume on, and she would stay ALL day, EVERY day! So that plus the fact that I am very concerned about ppl getting us sick, I told EVRYONE on both sides of the family that we will not be having any visitors for a a couple of weeks because of all the ick going around. Right now I have 2 family members with H1N1, a reg flu, mono, strep and a butt load of colds. So yea, no thanks. Anyway, they usually come by at least 3 times a week still to visit and I noticed that they havent been. I thought perhaps they were upset about no visitors. So today they call my mom and ask what we are up to today. My mom said oh we are going trick or treating with Jayden to a couple houses. They completely freaked out saying " I thought no ones allowed over" "I thought she doesnt want him to get sick" etc. HUH?!?!?! I said NO visitors AFTER baby and secondly. DS is 19 mo. we will be going to a couple houses and hes not going to be in contact with ppl other than someone throwing candy in his bag. Im soo confused. Grandma stressed me the F out last time. Now remember all the stuff I mentioned before add colick to that, oh and that she would HOVER over me all day, or refused to leave while I was breast feeding, or would swipe off everything on my end table and SIT on them just so she could be in THE closest prox. to him. I love my gma but holy crap she drives me insane sometimes. I think its great she loves her grandsons but there has to be LIMITS ppl!!!! So anyway, now they are pissed because DS is going trick or treating....i have no clue why but okay. So my mom says "cant you just drive over to their house so they can see him" Are you kidding me? We have to drive all the way there and chit chat at 8 or 9 pm. Im tired. Im having a baby in one day and this is just driving me crazy!! AHHHHH
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Re: My grandparents are insane! VENT-long
I'm sorry! I would *HATE* that.. I'm not a let's-see-how-close-you-can-get-to-me type of person. I'm a gimme my space person..?