3rd Trimester

*Sings* "Thanks for the Memory Foam...."

I wanted to thank the ladies who recommended I get a memory foam matress pad for our bed. Since about 31 weeks I have HAD a lot of hip pain and WAS waking up and unable to fall back asleep after 5 am.

I purchased a 3" memory foam twin size matress pad for our bed. (It was around $130 after a BBB 20% coupon) I have slept great for the last three nights and am crossing my fingers that the matress will help mefor the next 6 weeks. My mood for the last few days has been awesome too compared to nights I kept waking up. Worth every penny girls!

In the future, we will use it to put on the couch in the basement when we have a single guest needing a place to sleep. OR for the next time we get pregnant.....

WAY 2 Cool 4 School


Re: *Sings* "Thanks for the Memory Foam...."

  • Glad you are getting some relief! I love our memory foam!!!! I had not slept without pain since about 16 weeks, and I have been sleeping pain free since we gout ours (about 3 weeks ago). It is wonderful!
  • Yay for memory foam! I bought one of those toppers too and couldn't sleep without it while pregnant! I wish I'd known about it the first time around though :-)
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