I'm just not loving my neighborhood.
I usually love halloween.
We've been in this house for 4 years.
I'm the friendliest person in the neighborhood. I've tried my best to be friendly to the neighbors, but for the most part, they all keep to themselves. I'm OK WITH THAT!!!!!! knowing what I know now about them.
Many of the people here have lived in this crummy little town their whole lives and think they are the cat's meow. They are kind of rude, snobbish and grumpy.
In my immediate circle, you have the White Trash neighbors down the street, the creepy single dad who has a fetish sex addiction across the street and has his little boys part-time, the preppy yet annoying Pottery Barn J. Crew couple next door who let their kids run around screaming, unsupervised all summer....and the couple who have their entire mortgage and house paid by her parents across the street.
I was trying to form a neighborhood fun activity committee and then stopped when I learned that I don't really like anyone in our hood.
Our house was egged and my husband's car was keyed.
I'm not a hypocrite. I can't see being all Susie Sunshine and friendly one night out of the year to give out candy when the rest of the year these people barely look you in the eye or give you the time of day.
My husband will be happy he has an entire bag of candy to himself then.
Vent over.
Re: CONFESSION ~ I don't want to give out candy. Neighborhood vent....
The kids are spoiled brats, loud and obnoxious.
Product of the Parent.
"Wearing his BING CROSBY clothes and crooning...buuuh buuh buuuh"
not to mention that many people around here don't give out the candy, they just go to a mall or a high-end housing development to get the good stuff....so they will be candified, just not by me.
"Wearing his BING CROSBY clothes and crooning...buuuh buuh buuuh"
not to mention the fact that it's voting time and many of the neighbors are running for local political office and they just LOOOOOVE to have their kids pass out their political flyers in exchange for candy.
no drama here. I just close my door and leave my light out.
"Wearing his BING CROSBY clothes and crooning...buuuh buuh buuuh"
Wow, do you live on my block? This sounds almost exactly like my neighbors...especially the screaming unsupervised kids.
WOW! That would REALLY bother me too! I completely understand how you feel. I don't want to pass out any candy this year.
We just moved in, I don't know anyone, and the way our townhome is set up the front door is down stairs but that is the only thing down stairs. So every time some one rings the door bell I have to waddle my way down the stairs hand some candy then waddle back up. I will be turning off my lights but my little dog barks every time my door bell rings and he will completely give us away that we are home.
Some parents try there hardest and really work at having a good kid. Yet at times kids fall far from the tree. So its not always the parents fault, in this case we dont know the situation. We dont even know the parents to whom the kids belong to so we can not pass judgement.
I'm sorry if I sound "Dramatic" to you in my neighborhood vent halloween post...well, not really. I'm not sorry at all.
YOU Calling someone out like that "saying they are dramatic" because they are expressing how they feel in their own neighborhood, with their own facts and perspective, shows lack of maturity on your part and a need to just voice your ignorance about the situation, just food for thought.
But if it truly made you feel better, splendid.
Happy Halloween!
OBTW, your nursery is gorgeous. You're very blessed to live in the area that you do and have such nice things."Wearing his BING CROSBY clothes and crooning...buuuh buuh buuuh"
nobody understands this more than me. I work in a school and have been a nanny and have seen first hand how parents can try their darndest but the kids still have a will and personality of their own.
Still, if they are escorting their kids trick or treating, the less contact I make with them (the parents) the better. I'm not going to be responsible for their candy happiness on halloween and I have no regrets about it. lol
"Wearing his BING CROSBY clothes and crooning...buuuh buuh buuuh"