Would you do it again? We have a scheduled c-section at 39 weeks and I just want to know if those of you that had them before, scheduled or not, would do it again.
I know it is major surgery, but it looks like we will have to have one and I am scared that it will make my experience less than what we expected.
Any advise would be great. TIA
Re: If you've had a c-section - I have a question
Yes. I have had 2 and will definitely repeat with all subsequent children
The first was after 24 hours of labor and 3 hours of pushing. Boy. THAT was a hoot.
The 2nd was scheduled but I went into labor 3 weeks prior to the c/s date and my OB took her. Love him!!
Recovery from both went great.
WHY would they put it in before numbing you? OUCH!! I've had 2 and both went in AFTER the medication. I would have complained.....
I am attempting a VBAC this time around, but I have to say that I had a pretty good c-section experience. Mine was unplanned, but the procedure went well, and the recovery was not bad. I agree with the pp to get up and walk around when you are able. I tried to be as active as possible after the surgery, and I think it actually helped my recovery time.
If it is being suggested for a medical issue, I think that it can be a happy and exciting birth experience. You shouldn't feel like you are missing out.
Oh I complained all right. They told me there was no time in the or to do it(mind you this was with the planned c-section so it wasn't an emergency) It hurt so bad. This made me cry more than anything even recovery
I honestly could have gone either way. My first was an emergency c-section at 35 weeks, and I was so sick, I didn't really have time to care one way or the other. I had been laying down for 2 weeks, so once they told me I could get up after the section, they couldn't keep me in my bed. This totally helped my recovery. You HAVE to get up and move or it will be so much worse.
After the section, I told my husband that it was totally the way to go! No peeing on vag tears, no labor, nothing. Woo hoo. As soon as I found out i was pregnant this time, however, I started to think about how nice it would be to be the first one to hold my new little guy. I probably would have tried VBAC, but that wasn't because I was scared of another section. Given the complications I had with DS1, however, my high-risk OB said no way. Besides, DS2 measured 7 1/2 pounds a week ago (34 weeks), so pushing out a possible 11 pound baby is not my idea of a good time......
Wow. That is crazy. They put mine in after they gave me my spinal on the OR table. No time? That is what they are there for! Sorry you had to go through that!
That is our concern. DS has measured in at 9lb 10 oz on the 36 week appt. Even if we go on the low end he will still be between 11-13 lbs at 39 weeks. I am sorry, but there is no way I am pushing out an 11-13 lb baby.
Mine was an emergency one also after about 20 hours of labor. I'm having one again this time. I didn't love it but it really isn't that bad. I completely agree, get up and walk as soon as you can. It's crucial to recovering quickly. Make sure to take your pain medicine and put the baby in the nursery if you need to.
At first, I was a disappointed that I ended up with a c-section but I think that had more to do with being so close to pushing him out and then all of the sudden being rushed back there. I have come to terms with it and realize that getting a healthy baby out is really the only goal. I have no fears or issues with doing it again. Good luck!
I had an unplanned C-section after an induction on my due date and 34 hours of labor. I will have another c-section with my next pregnancy but only because I am too scared of uterine rupture to try a VBAC. My Dr. told me that neither she nor the hospital I delivered at will do a VBAC because of that risk. A c-section is MAJOR surgery. It has not been an easy recovery for me although I don't know that a recovery from a vaginal birth would have been a lot easier as I have heard of some people who took a long time to recover from that and had significant pain from episiotomy/tearing. If I had it to do over again knowing what I know now, I would still probably try to avoid surgery unless my health or my baby's health was at risk. I still feel bad about not being able to have a vaginal birth because I got so close and then it didn't happen because my baby was stuck and I was running a feverf but maybe if the c-section had been planned I would feel differently since I would have had time to get used to the idea. Just my 2 cents...GL with your decision!