6w ago both babies were around 25%. 4w ago, A was 17% and B was 10%. I wanted to bulk them up so I've been adding 2 Ensure's per day to my diet (well, 2 this week, I was doing 1 the week before because I hadn't heard different). Had an U/S today and A was 28%, but B was 9.2%. The OB I met with (not mine, he had to run to the hospital) didn't seem too uber concerned, but wanted to keep an eye on him. My cervix has gone from 4.5 (23w) to 3.4 (27.5w) to 2.4 (29.5w) to 2.0 (today, 31.5w). I'm still closed tight, but the OB I met with said to cut back even more (pretty much a step before modified BR). Can't wait to meet with my OB next week (getting another U/S because B's fluid is pretty high, was 8.3 or so) and see what he has to say. It's not that I don't trust the other doc or anything, but she's just not my regular so I feel more comfortable talking with him, he knows my chart well, etc. Anyway, had a pretty disappointing appointment with B's % going down even more despite adding the Ensure, and my cervix shortening again.
ETA: we were there for 3 hours, from 3:30-6:30.
Re: Boo, OB appt today
Stay positive! (I know it's hard). We were told to be prepared to deliver at 36 wks b/c Twin A was SGA (she dropped suddenly to the 6th %). Well, at 36 wks, she managed to put on 7 oz. and we're still cookin'! Dr. yesterday said he might keep them in til 39 wks (we do a growth u/s Thurs. to see if she's still gaining).
All to say, those babies are stronger than we think and I hope that your B decides to hold tight and continue gaining, too! That is good that you get a repeat u/s next wk with your dr.--that should be much more reassuring!
And as many women on this board have reminded, don't put too much stock in u/s weight estimates.