Ugh.. I hate when that happens :P. I never can fall asleep if DH is snoring like crazy, so I hate when he's been asleep for a while when I go to bed. I hope you get a good nights rest!
Ashley, DH: Paul
Angel Baby: March 09
#1-BFP: 11.17.09~EDD: 7.21.10~Tristan born 7.13.10 via unnecessary c-sec
#2-BFP: 3.17.14~EDD: 11.28.14~ It's A Girl!~Shooting for a VBAC
my DH is snoring on the couch. I just woke him up and said, "your sleeping". He said "NO I"M NOT!" Why do men do that?!
10-8-12: Grant is born!! Now a family of 5!
2-3-12: Totally unexpected BFP!!
12-10-10: Vera and Nora are born!
*Beta#1(13dpFET):262*~ *Beta#2(20dpFET)4,835 TWINS!!!!!*~*Beta#3(@6wks)11,032 TRIPLETS!!!!! Baby A h/b: 109. Baby B h/b 112. Baby C h/b *praying*
4-6-10: FET (2 ET)....BFP
1-15-10: IVF (2 ET)..... BFN (1-28)
1-12-10: ER! 21 eggs! 10 to keep, 11 to donate
8-11-09: IUI #4 (FSH hCG) BFP .... 9-08: C/P
6-19-09: IUI #3 (FSH hCG) BFN
5-28-09: IUI #2 redo (FSH hCG) BFN
5-08-09: HSG: All clear!
4-21-09: IUI #2 canceled (clomid reaction)
4-1-09: IUI #1 (natural) BFN
9/08: S/A less than 5mil (10% mobile) -varicoseal surgery to fix...results worth it!
5/06: Endometriosis surgery 9/07: off of BCP
A rejection is Gods protection. A dissapointment is His reappointment
I can sympathize! My DH is snores nightly, but he is sick right now and has taken a big dose on Nyquil to sleep, so there is no way I am going to have any type of a restful night of sleep in our bed...I have already hunkered down on the couch for the night!
Oh man, I feel your pain. DH has asthma and allergies and is a huuuge and incredibly loud snorer. About a year ago, we bought a cool air humidifier that works wonders. GL tonight!
hahaha.. I'm so mean, when dh snores I nudge him & tell him he's snoring. Usually it doesn't do any good though. He just falls back asleep and goes right back to snoring!
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Oh man, I feel your pain. DH has asthma and allergies and is a huuuge and incredibly loud snorer. About a year ago, we bought a cool air humidifier that works wonders. GL tonight!
Mine has sleep apnea and hasn't gotten his machine thingy (c-pap? bi-pap?) yet. I would like to hear our husbands have a snore off - I can't imagine anything louder than mine! It's absolutely ridiculous. Seriously, I wish I could post a recording to share with everyone here!
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hahaha.. I'm so mean, when dh snores I nudge him & tell him he's snoring. Usually it doesn't do any good though. He just falls back asleep and goes right back to snoring!
Same here! Mine complains in the morning about kidney pain from me kicking him
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Oh man, I feel your pain. DH has asthma and allergies and is a huuuge and incredibly loud snorer. About a year ago, we bought a cool air humidifier that works wonders. GL tonight!
Mine has sleep apnea and hasn't gotten his machine thingy (c-pap? bi-pap?) yet. I would like to hear our husbands have a snore off - I can't imagine anything louder than mine! It's absolutely ridiculous. Seriously, I wish I could post a recording to share with everyone here!
I've heard that depending on the type of c-pap machine you have, it can be kind of loud than what you would like when you are trying to sleep. I have also heard of some that are pretty quiet. GL!
my DH is snoring on the couch. I just woke him up and said, "your sleeping". He said "NO I"M NOT!" Why do men do that?!
Mine does this ALL the time. UGH
Mine too - exact same thing - he says "I'm just going to lie down for a few minutes" and then off he goes until I wake him up and he claims he wasn't sleeping. Uh, hon, the snoring kinda gives you away...
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Oh man, I feel your pain. DH has asthma and allergies and is a huuuge and incredibly loud snorer. About a year ago, we bought a cool air humidifier that works wonders. GL tonight!
Mine has sleep apnea and hasn't gotten his machine thingy (c-pap? bi-pap?) yet. I would like to hear our husbands have a snore off - I can't imagine anything louder than mine! It's absolutely ridiculous. Seriously, I wish I could post a recording to share with everyone here!
I've heard that depending on the type of c-pap machine you have, it can be kind of loud than what you would like when you are trying to sleep. I have also heard of some that are pretty quiet. GL!
If it is a consistent sound, I can deal. I wear earplugs as it is to combat what I can of the snoring - not that they work. But DH usually has this progressively louder with each breath snore until he gives this huge snort and that's what gets me - the unpredictability of it.
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Oh man, I feel your pain. DH has asthma and allergies and is a huuuge and incredibly loud snorer. About a year ago, we bought a cool air humidifier that works wonders. GL tonight!
Mine has sleep apnea and hasn't gotten his machine thingy (c-pap? bi-pap?) yet. I would like to hear our husbands have a snore off - I can't imagine anything louder than mine! It's absolutely ridiculous. Seriously, I wish I could post a recording to share with everyone here!
I've heard that depending on the type of c-pap machine you have, it can be kind of loud than what you would like when you are trying to sleep. I have also heard of some that are pretty quiet. GL!
If it is a consistent sound, I can deal. I wear earplugs as it is to combat what I can of the snoring - not that they work. But DH usually has this progressively louder with each breath snore until he gives this huge snort and that's what gets me - the unpredictability of it.
I don't have one, so I don't know for sure, but I think it's more of a consistent sound.
Oh man, I feel your pain. DH has asthma and allergies and is a huuuge and incredibly loud snorer. About a year ago, we bought a cool air humidifier that works wonders. GL tonight!
Mine has sleep apnea and hasn't gotten his machine thingy (c-pap? bi-pap?) yet. I would like to hear our husbands have a snore off - I can't imagine anything louder than mine! It's absolutely ridiculous. Seriously, I wish I could post a recording to share with everyone here!
I've heard that depending on the type of c-pap machine you have, it can be kind of loud than what you would like when you are trying to sleep. I have also heard of some that are pretty quiet. GL!
If it is a consistent sound, I can deal. I wear earplugs as it is to combat what I can of the snoring - not that they work. But DH usually has this progressively louder with each breath snore until he gives this huge snort and that's what gets me - the unpredictability of it.
This is what happens to my DH, also. I'm thinking he may have sleep apnea. How do you officially get "diagnosed" with it?
This is why I have ear plugs. That and my cat for some reason likes to lick the window blinds and that makes such a loud noise! I think he was dropped on his head as a kitten.
If it is a consistent sound, I can deal. I wear earplugs as it is to combat what I can of the snoring - not that they work. But DH usually has this progressively louder with each breath snore until he gives this huge snort and that's what gets me - the unpredictability of it.
This is what happens to my DH, also. I'm thinking he may have sleep apnea. How do you officially get "diagnosed" with it?
Mine went to his PCP and got a machine that records your breathing for 2 nights. If you stop breathing a certain number of times an hour, that's an indicator - 2ish is normal - DH's was 10. He then got a prescription for a sleep study which he hasn't done yet. He wants to wait until after he quits smoking (he's going on 4 weeks now) and losing some weight to see if that helps before getting the study done. I think after the study he would be given the c-pap or whatever they determine to be the right course of action.
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Those machines aren't that quiet either. My dad has one for his sleep apnea. He has to use it any time he sleeps. Even if he takes a nap on the couch.
~SAIF/PAIF/Everyone Welcome~
Me= 37 and DH = 41
Dx: DOR, Endo, APA+ (really high beta 2 glycoprotein antibody and high everything else tested), heterozygous MTHFR mutation, positive for lupus anticoagulant, high FSH, low AMH and both tubes blocked (per HSG on 3/8/11)
IVF #1 - long lupron (with HGH, intralipids, lovenox and BA); 4 retrieved, 3 fertilized; ET 2 blasts and 1 frozen = BFN
IVF #2 - a version of antagonist with EPP (with HGH, intralipids, lovenox and BA); 6 retrieved, 4 mature, 3 fertilized, 2 blasts and 1 frozen blast transferred on day 5 = BFN.
IVF #3 April was postponed to May, May was canceled. June/July was canceled. Had a cyst aspiration and then began IVF #3 in August. ER on 8/22; ET on 8/24 with AH. +HPT on 9/5. Beta #1 (11dpo) = 3; Beta #2 (15dpo) = 29; Beta #3 (17dpo) = 60; Beta #4 (19 dpo) = 118. Heartbeat at 6 weeks 6 days =132. Lil is here!
Re: DH is snoring so loudly right now...
Hey now...I've been woken up before (not for snoring, just because) and I have said the exact same thing your DH did! lol
Mine has sleep apnea and hasn't gotten his machine thingy (c-pap? bi-pap?) yet. I would like to hear our husbands have a snore off - I can't imagine anything louder than mine! It's absolutely ridiculous. Seriously, I wish I could post a recording to share with everyone here!
Omg!! My Dh does that too. .I will never understand why he feels he has to lie/hide that he is asleep :P silly men
Same here! Mine complains in the morning about kidney pain from me kicking him
Mine does this ALL the time. UGH
I've heard that depending on the type of c-pap machine you have, it can be kind of loud than what you would like when you are trying to sleep. I have also heard of some that are pretty quiet. GL!
Mine too - exact same thing - he says "I'm just going to lie down for a few minutes" and then off he goes until I wake him up and he claims he wasn't sleeping. Uh, hon, the snoring kinda gives you away...
If it is a consistent sound, I can deal. I wear earplugs as it is to combat what I can of the snoring - not that they work. But DH usually has this progressively louder with each breath snore until he gives this huge snort and that's what gets me - the unpredictability of it.
I don't have one, so I don't know for sure, but I think it's more of a consistent sound.
This is what happens to my DH, also. I'm thinking he may have sleep apnea. How do you officially get "diagnosed" with it?
Mine went to his PCP and got a machine that records your breathing for 2 nights. If you stop breathing a certain number of times an hour, that's an indicator - 2ish is normal - DH's was 10. He then got a prescription for a sleep study which he hasn't done yet. He wants to wait until after he quits smoking (he's going on 4 weeks now) and losing some weight to see if that helps before getting the study done. I think after the study he would be given the c-pap or whatever they determine to be the right course of action.
~SAIF/PAIF/Everyone Welcome~
Me= 37 and DH = 41
Dx: DOR, Endo, APA+ (really high beta 2 glycoprotein antibody and high everything else tested), heterozygous MTHFR mutation, positive for lupus anticoagulant, high FSH, low AMH and both tubes blocked (per HSG on 3/8/11)
IVF #1 - long lupron (with HGH, intralipids, lovenox and BA); 4 retrieved, 3 fertilized; ET 2 blasts and 1 frozen = BFN
IVF #2 - a version of antagonist with EPP (with HGH, intralipids, lovenox and BA); 6 retrieved, 4 mature, 3 fertilized, 2 blasts and 1 frozen blast transferred on day 5 = BFN.
IVF #3 April was postponed to May, May was canceled. June/July was canceled. Had a cyst aspiration and then began IVF #3 in August. ER on 8/22; ET on 8/24 with AH. +HPT on 9/5. Beta #1 (11dpo) = 3; Beta #2 (15dpo) = 29; Beta #3 (17dpo) = 60; Beta #4 (19 dpo) = 118. Heartbeat at 6 weeks 6 days =132. Lil is here!
TTC#2: Trigger + TI = BFN; Clomid + Trigger + IUI = BFN.
IVF #4: BCP + MDLF + Lovenox = 7R, 1F = Transferred 1 6-cell embryo on day 3 = BFN
IVF #5: MDLF + Lovenox = 4R, 1F = Transferred 1 10-cell compacting embryo on day 3 = BFN
IVF #6: (New RE): Long Antagonist November 2014 (transferred two 8 cell grade 1 embryos and froze one blast) = BFN