Trying to Get Pregnant

VENT and AF Question

I've been off BCP since August and I'm on my 3rd cycle.  My face is a hot mess, I'm broken out all over the place with those HUGE bumps that hurt really bad and AF is killing me!  So, on to my question...I posted this last night but it was late and I didn't get an answer.  I'm on CD3 and have had the heaviest period ever with a ton of clots!  They're not alarming in size, just quantity.  I know every cycle can be different but this is the worst it's ever been my whole life.  Anyone else have this happen out of the blue?

Re: VENT and AF Question

  • Yup, my second cycle off BCPs was the worst. Major cramps and hardcore bleeding (for me). My last cycle was really light with spotting. I'm hoping to not get AF this time, but I haven't even O'd yet... Sad

    Kinda reminded me of being in high school all over again with the breakouts and cramping. Good luck to you!

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  • imageCamFam:

    Yup, my second cycle off BCPs was the worst. Major cramps and hardcore bleeding (for me). My last cycle was really light with spotting. I'm hoping to not get AF this time, but I haven't even O'd yet... Sad

    Kinda reminded me of being in high school all over again with the breakouts and cramping. Good luck to you!

    Thanks girl!  It sucks!  Maybe you just missed your surge and you already O'd?  Do you test twice a day?  Good luck and hopefully we'll both have BFPs soon!  

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  • I went off in March, the first day of AF is always the toughest. Serious cramps, heavy flow. My AF visit in June was so bad I couldn't stand up straight. It was Father's Day and my dad commented on how I must get cramps like my mother while I was doubled over in pain. But like I said, mine is usually just the first day, after that it's smooth sailing.
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    ER 2/10 28 Retrieved 21 Fertilized w/ICSI
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    Beta #1 2/24-141~Beta #2 2/28-1007
    1st u/s HB 116 2nd u/s HB 133
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  • imageCamFam:

    Yup, my second cycle off BCPs was the worst. Major cramps and hardcore bleeding (for me). My last cycle was really light with spotting. I'm hoping to not get AF this time, but I haven't even O'd yet... Sad

    Kinda reminded me of being in high school all over again with the breakouts and cramping. Good luck to you!

    Mine was bad the second cycle as well (AF just left town last night).  I hear it gets better.
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