Trying to Get Pregnant

+ OPK after temp spike?

I just got a + OPK after a temp spike yesterday. Ignore today's high temp. it is alcohol induced. I have EWCM too....maybe we aren't out.

DH & I have a romantic evening planned (football, Yankee's, pizza, & cocktails) , we'll have to squeeze some sexy time in too.

12/10 Dx with high levels antisperm antibodies (female)
IVF#1 Jan/Feb 2011 Lupron Follistim 1/29
ER 2/10 28 Retrieved 21 Fertilized w/ICSI
ET 2/15 Transferred 2 beautiful embryos, 10 frosties
Beta #1 2/24-141~Beta #2 2/28-1007
1st u/s HB 116 2nd u/s HB 133
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Re: + OPK after temp spike?

  • Same thing happened to me this cycle.  I got a very close to + OPK the day before my temp spike and then a + on the day of my spike.  So I figured I must have O-ed in the middle of the night.

    Oh and the day after O, you are usually still fertile.  So you aren't out yet, FF counts the day after O. 

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    Lilypie First Birthday tickers
    My Blog
    TTC since 4/09 - Dx PCOS 1/10, HSG: All Clear
    4 Failed Clomid cycles of varying degrees
    Clomid + Bravelle + Trigger + IUI = BFP!!
    Ectopic M/C 9/16/10 ~ Forever in our hearts <3<BR> IVF using Donor Eggs (DE) 6/11
    BCP+Lupron+Estrogen+DE ET+PIO = BFP!!!
    Beta #1: 507 #2: 1561 #3: 4,472 #4: 11,172

    BFPBs Sul06, MrsW722 & SnowflakeBride06
    GL to Mari2003 and all of the rest of the 3T Ladies
    :) SAIFW :)
  • Go jump DH now! Good luck!
    June 2010 - IVM
    July 2, 2010- BFP Beta July 5th - 931 Repeat beta July 7th - 2,779
    July 13, 2010- First ultrasound! Gestational sac found!
    July 16, 2010 - 2nd u/s due to bleeding. Twins found! Baby A is great! Praying for Baby B!
    July 23, 2010 - 3rd u/s. Saw Baby A's flicker of a heartbeat! Lost Baby B. :-(
    March 16, 2011 - Nathan James was born
    November 26, 2012 - surprise BFP! It's a girl!
    July 26, 2013 - Lilianna Jean was born


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  • I get a + opk the day after O as well...
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