Trying to Get Pregnant

Cute story

So this morning, I'm in the checkout line at Costco.  I look over to my left and I see a girl who is clearly a bride.  Her hair is done and she has a little tiara on, her makeup is done, and she has a french manicure/pedicure.  She's wearing a sweatsuit, but to me is was completely obvious, and I wondering fpr a second why no one else was noticing.  So I said, "Are you getting married today?"  She said yes, and I said "Get in front of me!  Where's your entourage?  They should be doing this, not you!"  She just laughed and thanked me for letting her line in front of me.  Then they guy behind us laughs and says "How did you know she was a bride?"  And I said, "Oh, I got married last year, so I know these things!"  And then he  said "You're going to make a great mom! Wait until I tell my wife this story".  It warmed my heart! Big Smile

Re: Cute story

  • Awww...that's sweet.  I'm sure you made the girl feel special, too!



  •  That is so nice! I notice women who are pregnant all the time now! I dont think I really noticed before I was TTC as much as I do now.  I always try to let them know that they look beautiful and best wish to them. Your story is so sweet. Big Smile
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  • That is very cute.  And nice of you to let her jump in line.  I know on my wedding morning everyone was so busy that one bridesmaid met me getting hair done then left, and another one met me for makeup then left so I was driving by my self when I hit the drive thru at Wendy's for lunch at 11am knowing I wouldn't eat until 7pm.  I had the hair, make up, nails and Veil on.  The drive thru attendent got a good laugh at the "drive thru bride" but smiled and wished me luck on my big day.  Made me smile.

    TTC since July 2009. Dx MFI & LPD. 
    IUI#1&2&3 (2011 & 2012) BFN
    IUI#4 1/23/13 on 75iu x9 Follistim = BFP then chem preg m/c (Feb 2013)
    IUI#5 BFN (April 2013)
    IVF w/ICSI Oct. 2, 2012 - 13R, 11M, 7F, 1 frozen blast 4BB grade - - - FET Nov 15, 2013
    BFP! Beta 1:104 @ 10dp6dt, Beta 2:178 @ 12dp6dt,  beta 3:366 @ 14dp6dt
    Saw heartbeat twice before missed M/C at 8w3d on 12/27/13, missing my little angel boy
    JUNE 2014 IVF#2;  5R, 2M, 1F Three day transfer 6/7.  Beta 6/18 - BFN
    Child Free Now?

    My Blog


  • Aww that's really cute.  But seriously, why wasn't someone else doing her errands?
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    Carina 12.28.2010 | Aurelia 9.23.12 | Chart - Round 3
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