Trying to Get Pregnant

I love this name...

my husband's coworker just had a baby girl and named her Cora. I love it. Haven't ever heard it before. Very pretty. Just thought I'd share.

BabyFruit Ticker
BabyFetus Ticker

TTC #1 since September 2008
All tests normal
IUI #1, 1/31 50mg Clomid BFN!
IUI #2, 2/27 50mg Clomid, Ovidrel trigger BFN!
Laporoscopy March 30th- diagnosed with mild very endometriosis
IUI #3, 10/10, 2.5mg Femara BFN!
Hip Surgery 12/10 and forced TTC break
Diagnosed with gluten and dairy intolerance 12/10
June: TTC with TI and 2.5 mg Femara
IUI #4 & 5 Summer/Fall 2011 with Femara. BFN
11/11 Diagnosed Compound Heterozygous MTHFR- 7.5 mg Deplin
IVF #1 take 1- cancelled due to cyst
IVF #1 take 2- ER Aug 29, 35 retrieved ET Sept 3- 1 beautiful embryo transfered. 11 frozen embryos (AKA snow babies)
BFP Sept 11, 2012 :D
Suffering from moderate OHSS

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