Trying to Get Pregnant

PIP Favorite Vacation Photo

Because I love seeing your a fav vacation photo of you and DH.  Where were you? 

Here's mine.  We were in Sonoma Valley, CA doing wine tastings.


Lilypie Second Birthday tickers Congratulations to my girl AmberZ! So happy for you!

Re: PIP Favorite Vacation Photo

  • Boo!  I don't have any at work.
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  • imagegymnst1013:
    Boo!  I don't have any at work.

    Me either. ::pouts::

    Married 06/08 started TTC 08/08
    BFP 9/08 Natural m/c (8w3d) 
    BFP 06/09 Natural m.c (5w3d) 
    BFP 9/09 -- Dec. 29th: Juliet Rose born at 20 wks. Love you forever.
    TTC Break 1/10-8/14.
    Results of physical testing = Normal 
    Genetic testing = Balanced translocation
    IVF #1 with PGD Nov 2014 = BFN
    IVF #2 with PGD Start stimming 1/6, ER scheduled 1/16, ET scheduled 1/21 

  • Loading the player...
  • DH and I on our honeymoon in the riviera maya, mexico


    10-8-12: Grant is born!! Now a family of 5! 2-3-12: Totally unexpected BFP!! 12-10-10: Vera and Nora are born! *Beta#1(13dpFET):262*~ *Beta#2(20dpFET)4,835 TWINS!!!!!*~*Beta#3(@6wks)11,032 TRIPLETS!!!!! Baby A h/b: 109. Baby B h/b 112. Baby C h/b *praying* 4-6-10: FET (2 ET)....BFP 1-15-10: IVF (2 ET)..... BFN (1-28) 1-12-10: ER! 21 eggs! 10 to keep, 11 to donate :) 8-11-09: IUI #4 (FSH hCG) BFP .... 9-08: C/P 6-19-09: IUI #3 (FSH hCG) BFN 5-28-09: IUI #2 redo (FSH hCG) BFN 5-08-09: HSG: All clear! 4-21-09: IUI #2 canceled (clomid reaction) 4-1-09: IUI #1 (natural) BFN 9/08: S/A less than 5mil (10% mobile) -varicoseal surgery to fix...results worth it! 5/06: Endometriosis surgery 9/07: off of BCP A rejection is Gods protection. A dissapointment is His reappointment
  • image
    BabyFruit Ticker image miscarriage 12/2009 5 1/2 weeks probable ectopic...fingers and toes are crossed that number 2 sticks. Looking forward to June 2012!
  • how do i make it smaller


  • image

    DH and I in front of the Santa Monica Pier - May 2008

    image  image
    Carina 12.28.2010 | Aurelia 9.23.12 | Chart - Round 3
  • we went to St. Louis for our 1st anniversary and took a tour of Busch Stadium!


    ETA: for size

    Baby Birthday Ticker TickerPregnancy Ticker
  • I don't have them at work, either. But I'll describe:

    Favorite vacation was Italy and my favorite picture was of the Bridge of Sighs in Venice. I have the same photo professionally done and have ours framed near it. It's cool to know we were there (I had bought the photo long before even meeting DH).

    And my favorite of DH and I is probably of he and I on top of the Duomo in Florence. It was tough to climb all those narrow stairs, but totally worth it!

  • imageMore_CowBell:

    Hey I've been there!!  Love it!!

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  • image

     I pph Sydney and want to go back!

    ETA: size

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  • imageChrissyMarie007: us in pompeii


    our own take of the famous pisa pic

    We didn't get to pompeii, but I'm super jealous! Oh, and Pisa was just a bad day for me, so I wasn't in the mood to do this pic, although I really wanted to before we left and DH said he wouldn't let me!! Looks like you guys had a great time!

  • This is one of my favorites!We were in Mexico a few years ago and got to play with some monkeys. They loved DH's hair and ruffled it all up JUST before taking the picture!


    i carry your heart with me(i carry it in my heart)



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  • imagelocash:
    imageChrissyMarie007: us in pompeii


    our own take of the famous pisa pic

    We didn't get to pompeii, but I'm super jealous! Oh, and Pisa was just a bad day for me, so I wasn't in the mood to do this pic, although I really wanted to before we left and DH said he wouldn't let me!! Looks like you guys had a great time!

    Yeah it was amazing. We did Italy, Spain and Malta, France (went on a cruise). Lucca ,in Tuscany, was my fav. though

  • imageChrissyMarie007:

    how do i make it smaller


    That's what she said!


    sorry... I couldn't resist.

    BabyFruit Ticker image miscarriage 12/2009 5 1/2 weeks probable ectopic...fingers and toes are crossed that number 2 sticks. Looking forward to June 2012!
  • imageMore_CowBell:

    how do i make it smaller


    That's what she said!

    LOVE IT! This is one of my FAV shows.


    sorry... I couldn't resist.

  • 7 Sacred pools along Hana highway in Maui Hawaii

    TTC Since 2/2009
    2/2010 - 5/2010 Testing with OBGYN
    8/2010 First RE Appointment
    11/2010 Second Opinion RE Appointment
    12/2010 Clomid + IUI #1 = BFN
    1/2011 Clomid + IUI #2 = BFN
    2/2011 Clomid + IUI #3 = BFN
    5/2011 IVF #1, ET 6/2, Beta 6/15 = BFN
    8/2011 FET ET 9/12 = BFN :0(
    On a break to save money.
    1/2012 IVF #2 ER 1/12, ET 1/15, Beta 1/27 = BFFN
    4/2012 FET ET ??/?? =
    p/saif welcome
  • On a snorkel excursion off the coast of Maui.

    imageimage" mce_src="image">

  • Destin, Florida...yes my bite is worse than my bark



  • Us with the Mediterranean ocean in the background


    IUI#1= DD born 1.5.2011
    IUI #4 BFP EDD 5.5.2012 m/c 10/1/2012
    Surprise! BFP 12/4/12 EDD 8/8/2012
    AlternaTickers - Cool, free Web tickers
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
    Image and video hosting by TinyPic
  • I don't know why, but I love this pic of DH in Cancun.



    I also love this pic of DH in Cabo.  He was so tired of getting hassled to purchase crap that he decided to help the salesmen out and sell their stuff for them.  He walked up and down the beach for 5 minutes with every item he could find.  He actually made pretty good money, too!


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  • We went to Italy for our honeymoon.  We got super close to the Pope. 

    DH and I on the Ponte Vechio in Florence.

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  • imageLaurLaurLaur:

    This is a picture of DH being propositioned by a local prostitute/massage artist (yes with curlers in her hair) on our trip in the DR. I thought it was HILARIOUS!

    lol she did not want to waste time waiting for her hair to be done. Time is money!

    TTC #2 since Sept '16
    My Chart:
    TTC #1- 3 failed rounds of Clomid/ Surprise Natural BFP w/weight loss- 9/22/11 DD 5/12
    DX. Dec '09 w/ Inappropriate LH Secretion Syndrom/PCOS/ Anov 28 months
    (Former username: xxbblueangelxx)
  • DH and I - Private cabana with hammock on our honeymoon in Mexico....heaven!




     ::edit - had posted wrong pic::

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