Married 06/08 started TTC 08/08
BFP 9/08 Natural m/c (8w3d)
BFP 06/09 Natural m.c (5w3d)
BFP 9/09 -- Dec. 29th: Juliet Rose born at 20 wks. Love you forever.
TTC Break 1/10-8/14.
Results of physical testing = Normal
Genetic testing = Balanced translocation
IVF #1 with PGD Nov 2014 = BFN
IVF #2 with PGD Start stimming 1/6, ER scheduled 1/16, ET scheduled 1/21
Re: ~~Cassie~~
It makes it that much better. Enjoy these feelings. There's NOTHING like it.
Hey Lady how are you? I haven't talked to you in forever it seems!
BFP C6 - m m/c found on 3/17 - D&C 3/19 9w6d
Aug 2011 - SA - Low motility (25%) high PH
Sept 2011 - SA - 100mil sperm, 37% motility
Oct 2011 - HSG/SHG if not natural BFP
Holy crap natural BFP(cycle 20)!!! - Beta#1 10/11 - 185 P-23, Beta #2 10/13 -499.8, P-35.7! Thyroid good at 1.13, Beta #3 10/18 5,854.6 P-30.6; Beta 4 10/25 - 39,500 p4 20
1st U/S on 10/18 - saw gestational sac! 2nd u/s (10/25) saw a tiny fetus and saw the HB flickering away! 3rd U/S on 11/2 measuring 2 days ahead HB 138! 4th U/S 11/9 - Measured 8w1d - HB 178! released from RE 11/16 U/S - HB 180 everything On track!
Pregnancy Blog
Hey! I've been soo sick. I was around a little here and there this week. But not much. How've you been?
Sorry you have been sick! You are feeling better i hope! I'm pretty good... nothing to exciting right now..
BFP C6 - m m/c found on 3/17 - D&C 3/19 9w6d
Aug 2011 - SA - Low motility (25%) high PH
Sept 2011 - SA - 100mil sperm, 37% motility
Oct 2011 - HSG/SHG if not natural BFP
Holy crap natural BFP(cycle 20)!!! - Beta#1 10/11 - 185 P-23, Beta #2 10/13 -499.8, P-35.7! Thyroid good at 1.13, Beta #3 10/18 5,854.6 P-30.6; Beta 4 10/25 - 39,500 p4 20
1st U/S on 10/18 - saw gestational sac! 2nd u/s (10/25) saw a tiny fetus and saw the HB flickering away! 3rd U/S on 11/2 measuring 2 days ahead HB 138! 4th U/S 11/9 - Measured 8w1d - HB 178! released from RE 11/16 U/S - HB 180 everything On track!
Pregnancy Blog