Trying to Get Pregnant

DH might be gone for months... should we stop TTC?

DH just got a gig with a rock band.  In February, he is going to drive a tour bus for a band - he'll go cross country and he estimates that he'll be gone for 2-3 months (depending on which dates get confirmed for the tour).  It's a big deal for the band, and DH will get to meet a ton of musicians he is really into.   But we are TTC.   This could be a major benefit to us financially - but I dunno if  I want to be pregnant and home alone.

Would you wait?

Re: DH might be gone for months... should we stop TTC?

  • I wouldn't wait, personally. But my DH is frequently away for months at a time so I'm used to it. Plus, you never know when you might get PG or not.

    Are your parents close by, or some close friends, if you were to get PG before he left? I'm sure they'd be willing to lend their support...

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  • Personally I wouldn't wait. He'll be back before the baby is born.
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  • I wouldn't wait.  You may not get PG right off that bat, and even if you do, you're only going your first trimester alone and I'm sure you have friends/family in the area that will be a huge support.  Just my opinion.
  • I wouldn't wait either,but just like the PP my husband is gone a lot so even I've adjusted to being alone.  

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  • imagearrie:

    I wouldn't wait, personally. But my DH is frequently away for months at a time so I'm used to it. Plus, you never know when you might get PG or not.

    Are your parents close by, or some close friends, if you were to get PG before he left? I'm sure they'd be willing to lend their support...


    Thanks! I'm sure a lot of women deal with this - especially those who have husbands in the military.   It's a huge sacrifice.

    I don't have a lot of close friends but my family is fairly close by... you're right - I'll have their support.

    I'm just a big baby.   :)

  • I wouldn't wait either, especially if you have other family/friends around that can lend support if you do get pg before he leaves. 
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