We were on team green and we had this name picked out for a boy: Remo Paul. DH's dad's name was Remo (called him Ray) and my dad's name is Paul. If and when we ever get pregnant again, this will be the name for a boy. It was 50/50 when we told people the name when we were pregnant. I don't really care what others think, but it's always interesting to hear your reactions. Thanks!
Re: Not Pregnant...but wondering what you thought of this name...
Team Green (gender neutral color) = not finding out if the baby is a boy or girl before LO is born. Team Blue = boy, Team Pink = girl
The name is nms, but I love names with meaning. My name has a lot of family significance and so does DD's. I really like the idea!
Team green=they did not find out the sex of their baby until delivery day.
I think the name is pretty cute.
Remo is a huge company for making drum heads and ethnic percussion stuff, so that's the first thing that came to my mind. Not a bad association, but yeah, that's what I thought of. Good comapany... I've got Remo Pinstripes on all my drums.
The name is fine. NMS, but a decent choice.