Trying to Get Pregnant

**Dani, locash, and crystal!**

Haven't talked with you ladies in are all of you doing? Any big plans for the weekend? Happy Friday- it looks like it will be another washout weekend here in PA.

Re: **Dani, locash, and crystal!**

  • Hey, love! You've been MIA! I know work was busy for you, I hope its winding down a bit. How are you feeling? Have you had any dr appointments yet?

    Weekend plans are Saturday dinner w/ some old friends and then its another friend's birthday so we're going out for her birthday. DS is spending the night at my MIL's.

  • Yay! We're *almost* all back together again (Crystal is on later due to the whole west coast thing). I'm glad to see you on here!

    I have a bachelorette party this weekend. I'm fighting a migrane, so I think I'm going to duck out after dinner tonight (just a few of the close girls) so I can rest up for tomorrow! I also have my nephew's 6th birthday tomorrow. Busy weekend, but it'll be fun! DH is in Detroit for the bachelor party of the same wedding. I saw him for all of 10 minutes this morning (he was oot on business all week).

    I have a lot of creamy cm today, so I'm hoping that means my body is getting it's life in order!

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  • Yay for fun weekends with friends and creamy CM! Work has definitely slowed down for me now--Homecoming and recruitment are over-hallelujah! I don't have anything big and looming over my head until April with Greek Week. I'm feeling really good- no m/s at all, just severe constipation, ugh. I've had a number of appointments, and had my first u/s- DH wasn't able to be there due to it being an emergency apt--I thought I was m/cing. We have our next u/s- the BIG one set for 12/22, which will be a great holiday gift!

    We are planning to go out for dinner (yesterday was our 4 year anniversary) and then we're headed to my parents house in Central PA so my DH can go fishing with my Dad out at Raystown Lake and I can have some time with my mom and sister.

  • I am always late. Darn the west coast time! I am good. Just waiting for AF to show up so I can get back on track. No plans for the weekend. Last weekend I was in San Diego visiting my family and had 2 birthdays, 2 parties, and a soccer game to go to . I am looking forward to just staying home and relaxing.

    How are you feeling? Any sign of a baby bump yet??Smile

  • imagecrystalmarcellin:

    I am always late. Darn the west coast time! I am good. Just waiting for AF to show up so I can get back on track. No plans for the weekend. Last weekend I was in San Diego visiting my family and had 2 birthdays, 2 parties, and a soccer game to go to . I am looking forward to just staying home and relaxing.

    How are you feeling? Any sign of a baby bump yet??Smile

    No baby bump yet- thank goodness! I'm not ready to give up my pre-pg clothes this soon!

  • I'm glad you're feeling so well and that your appointments have been good!

    I really struggled with constipation, too. It made me feel bloated and full and gross. I found that high fiber foods helped (I ate fortified fiber foods b/c I don't like leafy veggies). I've heard stuff like Metamucil (butchered spelling) have helped. Maybe ask your dr? That was by far my worst pg symptom.

    And hi Crystal!! I didn't realize it was already 11 here! Glad to see you and I hope AF shows soon so you can get going again. Maybe my cycle will synch up with either you or Dani. Hopefully we find out soon ;)

  • It is good to see all my BFPB on here at the same time. I have missed you guys! Happy Friday to you all! Today is very slow at work so I am counting down until I am off.
  • imagelocash:

    I'm glad you're feeling so well and that your appointments have been good!

    I really struggled with constipation, too. It made me feel bloated and full and gross. I found that high fiber foods helped (I ate fortified fiber foods b/c I don't like leafy veggies). I've heard stuff like Metamucil (butchered spelling) have helped. Maybe ask your dr? That was by far my worst pg symptom.

    And hi Crystal!! I didn't realize it was already 11 here! Glad to see you and I hope AF shows soon so you can get going again. Maybe my cycle will synch up with either you or Dani. Hopefully we find out soon ;)

    I've talked about it with my dr. She prescribed a new PNV with a stool softener in it and I take a Colace every day as wella s drink a Metamucil type beverage every a.m. I am also trying to eat more fiber with raisin bran, fiber one bars, etc. Still to no avail! Bathroom visits are down to like 2 a week, so not fun! The Rach Star (what we're calling him/her, our last name is pronounced like Rock) wants every ounce of nutrition it can get!

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