
Was in L&D AGAIN last night

It's pretty much the same story as Monday except they gave me a shot to stop the contrax instead of Procardia so I won't type it all out.

The dr said I had an irritable uterus (fantastic) and that I'd likely keep contracting because the meds were just slowing them down, not stopping them.  The issue is that I'm not dilated at all so they feel like they have to try to stop my contrax because of the risk from my previous c/s.

The dr said as soon as my cervix does ANYTHING that I can have the baby.  And that I'd probably be in the hospital again before my appt on Monday but that I didn't have to call no matter how close my contrax were unless they were really painful.

My contrax have been every 5 min since I got up this morning.  This is exhausting!

Re: Was in L&D AGAIN last night

  • UGH that sucks, Amanda!!!

    I wonder if when I get pg, I will be like this, just b/c when I had Jackson I had contractions for days, water breaking and barely got to 5cm WITH pitocin.  The contractions did absolutely nothing for me - when I went to the hospital, nothing had changed each time [went twice].

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  • Ugh, good luck.  I hope the contractions will give you a break. 
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  • Goodness! That is so exhausting, do you have help with you? 
  • How miserable for you! 

    Are the contractions painful?   I didn't read about your other trip to L&D, but I totally understand how frustrating this must be.  I hope it gets better soon for you!

    DS1 10-06 and DS2 9-08 and baby #3 EDD 9-05-12
  • E-- I had a whole breakdown in front of the dr last night about that.  What if I NEVER dilate, do I have to feel like this until Nov. 10? Etc.

    FooBride--No.  My mom would come up, but MH has a trial next month and will be gone for 2 weeks so she is going to be here that whole time.  I hate to ask her now.  DD has been really good about letting me rest...she is just watching more TV than I'd like.

    Yodajo-- Not painful.  Just a lot of pressure and discomfort.  They are just so constant that it makes me sore, like I've been doing crunches non-stop for days.

  • Ugh. Take care of yourself.
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  • Ugh, I'm sorry!  I hope the time goes by quickly for you.  I was having regular contractions every 5-10 minutes for two fricking weeks with Cohen.  I know just how exhausting it is.  I finally gave up and was induced at 38.5 weeks.

    Best of luck!  I hope something starts happening soon.

  • I'm sorry, Amanda. I really could have cried for you the other night when you posted to me. I've been there, and the pain is awful. I hope it's over for you soon.
  • No good. I'm sorry, A! That has to be miserable. Maybe Miss Cara wants to be an October baby after all? As much as I'd like her to stay in until closer to your scheduled c/s, I'm almost hoping your cervix dilates soon, so you can rest. Hang in there!!
    ~Erica, Mommy to Peyton 9/06 & Cullen 9/09
  • good luck and I hope they let up soon!
  • I'm so sorry!  How exhausting.
  • You poor thing,you must be exhausted.

     I hope you are able to get plenty of rest and the contractions slow down.

  • I had irritable uterus with all three of my pregnancies. Not fun! Good luck. Try to relax as much as possible(ha!) and drink a ton of water.
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