Trying to Get Pregnant

POLL... please forgive me, but i have to ask.

10-8-12: Grant is born!! Now a family of 5! 2-3-12: Totally unexpected BFP!! 12-10-10: Vera and Nora are born! *Beta#1(13dpFET):262*~ *Beta#2(20dpFET)4,835 TWINS!!!!!*~*Beta#3(@6wks)11,032 TRIPLETS!!!!! Baby A h/b: 109. Baby B h/b 112. Baby C h/b *praying* 4-6-10: FET (2 ET)....BFP 1-15-10: IVF (2 ET)..... BFN (1-28) 1-12-10: ER! 21 eggs! 10 to keep, 11 to donate :) 8-11-09: IUI #4 (FSH hCG) BFP .... 9-08: C/P 6-19-09: IUI #3 (FSH hCG) BFN 5-28-09: IUI #2 redo (FSH hCG) BFN 5-08-09: HSG: All clear! 4-21-09: IUI #2 canceled (clomid reaction) 4-1-09: IUI #1 (natural) BFN 9/08: S/A less than 5mil (10% mobile) -varicoseal surgery to fix...results worth it! 5/06: Endometriosis surgery 9/07: off of BCP A rejection is Gods protection. A dissapointment is His reappointment

Re: POLL... please forgive me, but i have to ask.

  • imageAutumnBride102007:

    Naughty! Wink
  • Loading the player...
  • Yes, twice, quite a long time ago. Neither one of us really enjoyed it and have decided that it isn't needed in our bedroom routine. 


    A kiss he will never forget- Disney World 2014

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker


    Pregnancy Ticker

  • I was one of the yes answers.. I can't lie, we tried it
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker  

    BabyFetus Ticker  
    Ashley, DH: Paul
    Angel Baby: March 09
    #1-BFP: 11.17.09~EDD: 7.21.10~Tristan born 7.13.10 via unnecessary c-sec
    #2-BFP: 3.17.14~EDD: 11.28.14~ It's A Girl!~Shooting for a VBAC
                        Image and video hosting by TinyPic image   Image and video hosting by TinyPic Image and video hosting by TinyPic
  • imagelyse2143:
    wow. Indifferent

    most often my polls are to find out if i'm in the 'normal' range. lol.

    10-8-12: Grant is born!! Now a family of 5! 2-3-12: Totally unexpected BFP!! 12-10-10: Vera and Nora are born! *Beta#1(13dpFET):262*~ *Beta#2(20dpFET)4,835 TWINS!!!!!*~*Beta#3(@6wks)11,032 TRIPLETS!!!!! Baby A h/b: 109. Baby B h/b 112. Baby C h/b *praying* 4-6-10: FET (2 ET)....BFP 1-15-10: IVF (2 ET)..... BFN (1-28) 1-12-10: ER! 21 eggs! 10 to keep, 11 to donate :) 8-11-09: IUI #4 (FSH hCG) BFP .... 9-08: C/P 6-19-09: IUI #3 (FSH hCG) BFN 5-28-09: IUI #2 redo (FSH hCG) BFN 5-08-09: HSG: All clear! 4-21-09: IUI #2 canceled (clomid reaction) 4-1-09: IUI #1 (natural) BFN 9/08: S/A less than 5mil (10% mobile) -varicoseal surgery to fix...results worth it! 5/06: Endometriosis surgery 9/07: off of BCP A rejection is Gods protection. A dissapointment is His reappointment
  • That is a EXIT zone only.
    TTC #2 since Sept '16
    My Chart:
    TTC #1- 3 failed rounds of Clomid/ Surprise Natural BFP w/weight loss- 9/22/11 DD 5/12
    DX. Dec '09 w/ Inappropriate LH Secretion Syndrom/PCOS/ Anov 28 months
    (Former username: xxbblueangelxx)
  • imagemrs.gardner:


    LOL.... love the PIP... excellent choice!

    Image and video hosting by TinyPic Image and video hosting by TinyPic
    AlternaTickers - Cool, free Web tickers TTC Since July 2009
    BFP C6 - m m/c found on 3/17 - D&C 3/19 9w6d
    Aug 2011 - SA - Low motility (25%) high PH
    Sept 2011 - SA - 100mil sperm, 37% motility
    Oct 2011 - HSG/SHG if not natural BFP
    Holy crap natural BFP(cycle 20)!!! - Beta#1 10/11 - 185 P-23, Beta #2 10/13 -499.8, P-35.7! Thyroid good at 1.13, Beta #3 10/18 5,854.6 P-30.6; Beta 4 10/25 - 39,500 p4 20
    1st U/S on 10/18 - saw gestational sac! 2nd u/s (10/25) saw a tiny fetus and saw the HB flickering away! 3rd U/S on 11/2 measuring 2 days ahead HB 138! 4th U/S 11/9 - Measured 8w1d - HB 178! released from RE 11/16 U/S - HB 180 everything On track!
    Pregnancy Blog
  • imagemrs.gardner:



    10-8-12: Grant is born!! Now a family of 5! 2-3-12: Totally unexpected BFP!! 12-10-10: Vera and Nora are born! *Beta#1(13dpFET):262*~ *Beta#2(20dpFET)4,835 TWINS!!!!!*~*Beta#3(@6wks)11,032 TRIPLETS!!!!! Baby A h/b: 109. Baby B h/b 112. Baby C h/b *praying* 4-6-10: FET (2 ET)....BFP 1-15-10: IVF (2 ET)..... BFN (1-28) 1-12-10: ER! 21 eggs! 10 to keep, 11 to donate :) 8-11-09: IUI #4 (FSH hCG) BFP .... 9-08: C/P 6-19-09: IUI #3 (FSH hCG) BFN 5-28-09: IUI #2 redo (FSH hCG) BFN 5-08-09: HSG: All clear! 4-21-09: IUI #2 canceled (clomid reaction) 4-1-09: IUI #1 (natural) BFN 9/08: S/A less than 5mil (10% mobile) -varicoseal surgery to fix...results worth it! 5/06: Endometriosis surgery 9/07: off of BCP A rejection is Gods protection. A dissapointment is His reappointment
  • When my sister was 16 she tried it and came running into my room and told me, "poop comes out easier now!"

    That was enough for me to NEVER EVER want to try it.  I was semi-traumatized.

    image  image
    Carina 12.28.2010 | Aurelia 9.23.12 | Chart - Round 3
  • You can ruin your anus and have uncontrollable (sp?) bowels. My nurse friend said that.

    Not even risking it. M is too big for is trying it. F that ish.

    TTC #2 since Sept '16
    My Chart:
    TTC #1- 3 failed rounds of Clomid/ Surprise Natural BFP w/weight loss- 9/22/11 DD 5/12
    DX. Dec '09 w/ Inappropriate LH Secretion Syndrom/PCOS/ Anov 28 months
    (Former username: xxbblueangelxx)
  • imagemchupie:

    When my sister was 16 she tried it and came running into my room and told me, "poop comes out easier now!"

    That was enough for me to NEVER EVER want to try it.  I was semi-traumatized.

    I think I would have been completely traumatized.

    And the mental image of your sister running in made me LOL

    Image and video hosting by TinyPic Image and video hosting by TinyPic
    AlternaTickers - Cool, free Web tickers TTC Since July 2009
    BFP C6 - m m/c found on 3/17 - D&C 3/19 9w6d
    Aug 2011 - SA - Low motility (25%) high PH
    Sept 2011 - SA - 100mil sperm, 37% motility
    Oct 2011 - HSG/SHG if not natural BFP
    Holy crap natural BFP(cycle 20)!!! - Beta#1 10/11 - 185 P-23, Beta #2 10/13 -499.8, P-35.7! Thyroid good at 1.13, Beta #3 10/18 5,854.6 P-30.6; Beta 4 10/25 - 39,500 p4 20
    1st U/S on 10/18 - saw gestational sac! 2nd u/s (10/25) saw a tiny fetus and saw the HB flickering away! 3rd U/S on 11/2 measuring 2 days ahead HB 138! 4th U/S 11/9 - Measured 8w1d - HB 178! released from RE 11/16 U/S - HB 180 everything On track!
    Pregnancy Blog
  • imagemchupie:

    When my sister was 16 she tried it and came running into my room and told me, "poop comes out easier now!"

    That was enough for me to NEVER EVER want to try it.  I was semi-traumatized.


    10-8-12: Grant is born!! Now a family of 5! 2-3-12: Totally unexpected BFP!! 12-10-10: Vera and Nora are born! *Beta#1(13dpFET):262*~ *Beta#2(20dpFET)4,835 TWINS!!!!!*~*Beta#3(@6wks)11,032 TRIPLETS!!!!! Baby A h/b: 109. Baby B h/b 112. Baby C h/b *praying* 4-6-10: FET (2 ET)....BFP 1-15-10: IVF (2 ET)..... BFN (1-28) 1-12-10: ER! 21 eggs! 10 to keep, 11 to donate :) 8-11-09: IUI #4 (FSH hCG) BFP .... 9-08: C/P 6-19-09: IUI #3 (FSH hCG) BFN 5-28-09: IUI #2 redo (FSH hCG) BFN 5-08-09: HSG: All clear! 4-21-09: IUI #2 canceled (clomid reaction) 4-1-09: IUI #1 (natural) BFN 9/08: S/A less than 5mil (10% mobile) -varicoseal surgery to fix...results worth it! 5/06: Endometriosis surgery 9/07: off of BCP A rejection is Gods protection. A dissapointment is His reappointment
  • imagemchupie:

    When my sister was 16 she tried it and came running into my room and told me, "poop comes out easier now!"

    That was enough for me to NEVER EVER want to try it.  I was semi-traumatized.

    OMG...I don't blame you.  That would have scarred me for life!

  • I laughed out loud because my DH would absolutely die if I ever suggested this. Not that I want to. I agree with Mrs. Gardner. But still giggling at what the look on my hubby's face would be! lol
    Our sweet girl is 3!

    Lilypie - (R7Ux)

  • imagemrs.gardner:




  • imagemrs.gardner:



    THIS !

    "Most of the important things in the world have been accomplished by people who have kept on trying when there seemed to be no hope at all." -- Dale Carnegie
    "Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time." --Thomas A. Edison
  • imageLindsRockies:




    photo 7ce353dd-36ff-42be-84c5-8548c1d4fa1cjpg
    BFP #1 11/28/09 ~ EDD 8/6/10 ~ DS Born 8/9/10
    BFP #2 8/27/13 ~ EDD 5/8/14 ~ Natural MC 9/18/13 at 6 weeks, 6 days
    BFP#3 3/28/14 ~ EDD 12/7/14 ~ DD Born 11/21/14
    BFP#4 6/15/17 ~ EDD 2/20/18
  • this might sound horrid but DH has a mega butt fetish. he says were saving that attempt for after we have a baby. he says he's hoping child birth will help me overcome my prude attitude about it. HA!
  • imagemrs.gardner:


    This was my vote! hehe Absolutely no.

  • Wow!  It looks like anal is pretty taboo in this crowd.  I have tried it, a few times.  I am speculating that I am more open to this experience due to my age.  I am almost 30 and we have been together for over 5 years.  I think the average age around here is a lot younger.
    Daisypath Christmas tickers imageLilypie Pregnancy tickers
    Missed miscarriage 12/26/11 at 12 weeks
  • Oh heeeeeeeellll no!
  • I don't think its taboo. just scarry.

  • imageWilwarin:
    Wow!  It looks like anal is pretty taboo in this crowd.  I have tried it, a few times.  I am speculating that I am more open to this experience due to my age.  I am almost 30 and we have been together for over 5 years.  I think the average age around here is a lot younger.


    Are you saying the retirement villages around here are full of grandparents doing each other in the butt?

  • I tried it in a past relationship, but not with DH.

    He has asked before and I told him hell no, I am not doing that again.. Ha. It does NOT feel good.

  • imagemrs.gardner:


    haha this

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  • imageondjima:

    Wow!  It looks like anal is pretty taboo in this crowd.  I have tried it, a few times.  I am speculating that I am more open to this experience due to my age.  I am almost 30 and we have been together for over 5 years.  I think the average age around here is a lot younger.


    Are you saying the retirement villages around here are full of grandparents doing each other in the butt?


    LMAO I'm seriously cracking up here hehehe. I don't think it has anything to do with age. It has to do with preference IMO. 

  • imageondjima:

    Wow!  It looks like anal is pretty taboo in this crowd.  I have tried it, a few times.  I am speculating that I am more open to this experience due to my age.  I am almost 30 and we have been together for over 5 years.  I think the average age around here is a lot younger.


    Are you saying the retirement villages around here are full of grandparents doing each other in the butt?


    Warning No formatter is installed for the format bbhtml
  • I agree, age has nothing to do with it. I'm definately younger than you, and have done it...
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker  

    BabyFetus Ticker  
    Ashley, DH: Paul
    Angel Baby: March 09
    #1-BFP: 11.17.09~EDD: 7.21.10~Tristan born 7.13.10 via unnecessary c-sec
    #2-BFP: 3.17.14~EDD: 11.28.14~ It's A Girl!~Shooting for a VBAC
                        Image and video hosting by TinyPic image   Image and video hosting by TinyPic Image and video hosting by TinyPic
  • imageondjima:

    Wow!  It looks like anal is pretty taboo in this crowd.  I have tried it, a few times.  I am speculating that I am more open to this experience due to my age.  I am almost 30 and we have been together for over 5 years.  I think the average age around here is a lot younger.


    Are you saying the retirement villages around here are full of grandparents doing each other in the butt?

    oops sorry I don't know why this posted twice

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  • I tried on Valentine's Day one year bc he was begging. We used anal ease and I ended up like crapping on the bed bc it was numb and I couldn't feel it. WORST. DAY. EVER. I ran in the bathroom crying and he was like crying he was laughing so hard. NEVER AGAIN
  • imageWilwarin:
    Wow!  It looks like anal is pretty taboo in this crowd.  I have tried it, a few times.  I am speculating that I am more open to this experience due to my age.  I am almost 30 and we have been together for over 5 years.  I think the average age around here is a lot younger.

    I'm 32, and we've been together over 7 years. Just nms, but I say to each his own! Wink

    Our sweet girl is 3!

    Lilypie - (R7Ux)

  • Yes
    TTC#1 BFP on 02/19/10 ~ Cycle #6 ~ 17DPO Photobucket Photobucket
  • imageondjima:

    Wow!  It looks like anal is pretty taboo in this crowd.  I have tried it, a few times.  I am speculating that I am more open to this experience due to my age.  I am almost 30 and we have been together for over 5 years.  I think the average age around here is a lot younger.


    Are you saying the retirement villages around here are full of grandparents doing each other in the butt?

    Confused  Yeah, that's exactly what I meant. 

    Daisypath Christmas tickers imageLilypie Pregnancy tickers
    Missed miscarriage 12/26/11 at 12 weeks
  • imageWilwarin:

    Wow!  It looks like anal is pretty taboo in this crowd.  I have tried it, a few times.  I am speculating that I am more open to this experience due to my age.  I am almost 30 and we have been together for over 5 years.  I think the average age around here is a lot younger.


    Are you saying the retirement villages around here are full of grandparents doing each other in the butt?

    Confused  Yeah, that's exactly what I meant. 

    Good to see that you sense of humor is still intact though.

  • imagexochrissytinaox:
    I tried on Valentine's Day one year bc he was begging. We used anal ease and I ended up like crapping on the bed bc it was numb and I couldn't feel it. WORST. DAY. EVER. I ran in the bathroom crying and he was like crying he was laughing so hard. NEVER AGAIN


    TTC #2 since Sept '16
    My Chart:
    TTC #1- 3 failed rounds of Clomid/ Surprise Natural BFP w/weight loss- 9/22/11 DD 5/12
    DX. Dec '09 w/ Inappropriate LH Secretion Syndrom/PCOS/ Anov 28 months
    (Former username: xxbblueangelxx)
  • imagexochrissytinaox:
    I tried on Valentine's Day one year bc he was begging. We used anal ease and I ended up like crapping on the bed bc it was numb and I couldn't feel it. WORST. DAY. EVER. I ran in the bathroom crying and he was like crying he was laughing so hard. NEVER AGAIN

    This made me LOL...sorry bout your bed though...

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • imageWilwarin:
    Wow!  It looks like anal is pretty taboo in this crowd.  I have tried it, a few times.  I am speculating that I am more open to this experience due to my age.  I am almost 30 and we have been together for over 5 years.  I think the average age around here is a lot younger.

    I am 30 and it has nothing to do with it being taboo. It has everything to do with the fact that I don't want anything shoved up my @ss.

  • That is a EXIT zone only.

    What she said.

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