I have been cramping since 6 DPO. I can hope that that means I'm pregnant, but I've done this before and then my period comes. Ugh... I just need the days to hurry so I can find out for sure.
They feel exactly like AF cramps. I remember these when I was pregnant with DS. I also feel like I did a thousand situps which I also remember with DS. LOL
Ugh! Phantom symptoms drive me nuts! I was cramping and having tender boobs all this past week, but I got a BFN and spotting today (15 dpo). Oh well. Onward and upward for me. Good luck to you though - you still have a good chance at 10 dpo!
Ugh! Phantom symptoms drive me nuts! I was cramping and having tender boobs all this past week, but I got a BFN and spotting today (15 dpo). Oh well. Onward and upward for me. Good luck to you though - you still have a good chance at 10 dpo!
i know how you feel about the phantom symptoms... i have sore boobs and nips, major bloat, dizziness and headaches. No AF and BFN. Driving me nuts!
Same here. Cramps, bloat, sore bb's, fatigue, horrid indigestion. I told DH if I am not KU that AF is going to be a mighty b!tch this month since this stuff doesn't usually happen. Good luck!
Re: Cramping is getting old...
Me too! I've been crampy for what seems like this whole cycle. I'm still not sure why.
I'll keep my fingers crossed that it's good news for you!
lol...I asked because I have had cramping for two days now, but not like AF cramps. Darn the 2 WW!
aCg 3.1.07 | hCr 5.5.11
i know how you feel about the phantom symptoms... i have sore boobs and nips, major bloat, dizziness and headaches. No AF and BFN. Driving me nuts!