Trying to Get Pregnant


I saw that that you live in the IE.  I've never posted here but I lurk sometimes and I was reading posts when I saw that you work in Anaheim.  Anyway, I'm a fellow IEer.

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Re: *Jenrusk*

  • Hello... ya we live in Ontario but we're moving to Hesperia as soon as we close on our house (a couple of weeks).  Nice to meet you!!!
  • Congrats on the house.  We moved from San Bernardino to San Jacinto (bought a house earlier in the year).  I'm quite familiar with the Ontario area...Hesperia, not so much. 

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  • My bro lives in SB...  Yah, i have to get used to Hesperia.  But hey, they have some CHEAP houses out there.  We're getting a model home for a great price!!!  So its worth the move!  I cannot wait to be in the house.. then we can really TTC!!! I mean we'll have 2,600 sq ft to bless! Devil

  • Haha!  I agree, pricing up there is great.  We ended up in the low desert because it was so cheap.  I'm still not used to how undeveloped the area where I live is but I'll get over it.  The prices have plummeted insanely!  A model home..nice!  You get all the extra upgrades.

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