Who has plans? Who's starying home to wait for the trick or treaters? Who's going to a party or throwing a party? We're going to the parade in the village and then going to Blood Manor (a haunted house)!
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Re: What's everyone's plans for Halloween?
For this child I prayed, and the LORD has given me my petition which I asked of him.
1 Samuel 1:27
Success with #1 after Femara + Trigger + IUI
FET to TTC #2: 9/29/14 Beta on 10/8/14 = BFP!
DS #1 Born 1/3/11 after IVF #1
4 failed IUIs, including 1 CP
TTC since 2008
Growing up we had a tradition of ordering pizza & carving pumpkins before going trick-or-treating. So, dh & I will be doing that, but we'll be passing out the candy.
Then we might watch an old classic scary movie if dh can convince me. I'm a big scaredy cat.
LO#1 - 19 cycles, 3 IUIs, 1 m/c, gonal-f, ganirelix, ovidrel, progesterone
Totally worth the wait!
Getting ready for #2
Back on Met, PCOS diet, prepping for treatments 1/12
Good luck to the wonderful ladies of 3T
Always cheering on my girls Gymnst1013 & MrsJohns
My Chart / Info for Newbies
Costume party at DHs cousin's house.. costume contest. I need to figure out what we're gonna be... I cannot decide, i though a famous movie couple i just cannot think of a good one.
BFP C6 - m m/c found on 3/17 - D&C 3/19 9w6d
Aug 2011 - SA - Low motility (25%) high PH
Sept 2011 - SA - 100mil sperm, 37% motility
Oct 2011 - HSG/SHG if not natural BFP
Holy crap natural BFP(cycle 20)!!! - Beta#1 10/11 - 185 P-23, Beta #2 10/13 -499.8, P-35.7! Thyroid good at 1.13, Beta #3 10/18 5,854.6 P-30.6; Beta 4 10/25 - 39,500 p4 20
1st U/S on 10/18 - saw gestational sac! 2nd u/s (10/25) saw a tiny fetus and saw the HB flickering away! 3rd U/S on 11/2 measuring 2 days ahead HB 138! 4th U/S 11/9 - Measured 8w1d - HB 178! released from RE 11/16 U/S - HB 180 everything On track!
Pregnancy Blog
I'm excited and scared! It looks insane!
Oh that sounds like so much fun!
Ahhhhh!! I have been dying to go to bloodmanor!! That place is sooo freakin scary!!
We'll probably just stay home and hand out candy. Although we usually don't get many T-or-Ts. Our neighbor's grandkids come over and I have a little sis through Big Brothers Big Sisters and she'll come over with her 6 siblings (I kid you not) and they all love to show us their costumes.
I had foot surgery 4 weeks ago and I'm still not walking so I just want to lay low.
Our good friends are getting married and we're so excited!
Also, I'm super glad we don't have to worry about doing costumes. I find that very stressful!
Me: PCOS, Blood/Immune Issues DH: Low all 3
Jun.- Sep. 2010 IUI#1-#3 = BFN
Oct. 2010 = IVF #1 = B/G Twins (passed away Feb. 2011)
May 2011 = Myomectomy and trans-abdominal cerclage (TAC)
Sep. 2011 = Surprise BFP = C/P
Feb. 2012 = sFET #1 = BFN
Feb.2012 = Hail Mary IUI #4 = BFN
April/May 2012 = FET #2 w/our last two embies = BFP (Please let this be it!)
Beta #1 8dp5/6dt = 234 Beta #2 10dp5/6dt = 695 Beta #3 12dp5/6dt = 1796 Beta #4 17dp5/6dt = 17,888 U/S #1 May 17, 2012 = Twins
Baby B's heart stop beating at 9 weeks 5 days
Our little miracle baby is a boy.
Baby Boy Owen and Baby Girl Avery were born too early on Feb. 13, 2011 due to a pedunculated fibroid, incompetent cervix and suspected placental abruption.
"What the heart has once owned and had, it shall never lose." - Henry Ward Beecher
Lots of love and luck to my PAIF/3T/IF Veteran ladies, especially my dear friend Zookie. Congrats to Papps, Teach84 and Starbuck on their little ones.