Trying to Get Pregnant

OPK's Half A line....

Hi Everyone! I know I saw something about this on peeonastick(dot)com however I don't want to go onto that sit @ work lol.

The test line is just as dark as the control, but it's half a line. (first response test).

If anyone can be sooo kind to check or let me know from personal experience if I should mark this as + or -.

Thank you! I can't pip b/c of work :(


Re: OPK's Half A line....

  • The test line needs to be 50% or more solid to be considered a + according to
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    BFPBs Sul06, MrsW722 & SnowflakeBride06
    GL to Mari2003 and all of the rest of the 3T Ladies
    :) SAIFW :)
  • I get those from time to time and normally the next test  i take will have the FULL line darker than the control line. So I would say mark as a neg.
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  • This happens to me on all my internet cheapie tests.  I mark them as positive when half the line is as dark or darker.

    ETA - here's a PIP from and the explanation:


    When this happened to me, I contacted the distributor (in this case, I even e-mailed them the above photo. I was told that the darkest part of the "result" line should be compared with the test line, and that this applies to all brands of OPK's.

    This month I purchased some Answer brand OPK's, which I had never personally used before. After my LH surge appeared to last 6 days (going by the above rule of thumb), I made the unsettling discovery that my tap water was also ovulating. So I called Answer's 800# and asked the same question. This time I was told that the dark part of the line must be at least 50% of the total width to be considered positive. Going by THAT, the picture above would be considered negative. (And, in retrospect, my LH surge actually lasted a common 2 days-- and my kitchen faucet is not currently fertile.)

    So, it appears that my information from BabyWishes was incorrect; it does, in fact, depend on the brand of OPK.

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  • Mine did that to me the other month too!  I marked it as positive and I took another one in the evening which was def. pos.

    2 years, 2 surgeries, 2 clomid fails, 2 IUIs, 1 loss, IVF #1 - 10/25/10 = BFP!, DS is now 3.5yrs!
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  • Looks like majority say mark as POS. 
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  • thanks ladies, now I will scrutinize whether it is really 50% or more lol

    For some reason I feel okay going on thebump, but just in case don't won't to go on peeonastick at work (for those not ttc I can see where it may be weird)

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