Trying to Get Pregnant

This Might be a stupid ?

Am I pregnant? Bahaha just kidding.

I know some women don't have good eggs or the egg they release for a cycle might not be good. If a egg is not good does a person still get their LH surge and is ovulation still detected?

Re: This Might be a stupid ?

  • I don't think so....but I could be wrong.
  • I'm not speaking with any authority here whatsoever, just extrapolating from what I do know, but I would say if you ovulate you will get a surge.  The surge is what triggers the egg to release.  I wouldn't think it matters whether the egg that actually comes out is good or bad.  Just the fact that it is coming out at all would produce the typical ovulation signs.  Now whether than egg can be fertilized is another story.
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  • Unfortunately, it happens all the time.
  • No clue! I *thought* you'd still ovulate and show a surge amd temp shift, but the egg would not be able to fertilize or would not implant. Sorry for the lack of help!
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  • Thanks ladies! I quit smoking a while back. I know it can effect egg quality and it takes a while for eggs not to be effected. So I was just wondering.
  • D'you think a bad egg that gets fertilized leads to a kid that is a bad apple?
  • imageMixiePixie:
    D'you think a bad egg that gets fertilized leads to a kid that is a bad apple?

    LOL NO! Eggs that are not good quality usually don't get you pregnant though.

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