Ok first, I am a healthy height and weight and have not developed a belly or anything over the past few months. But, my students keep assuming I'm pregnant. The other day I had to take my car into the shop and was gone during the middle of the day...and somehow THIS gave them reason to gossip about my non-existant pregnancy.
I think it's because I work at an all girls high school and they all remember/know I got married about a year and a half ago...and so they assume. My go-to response has been "ha! Who needs kids when I have 158 high school girls to look after"....but man am I getting sick of saying this....
Re: students keep thinking I'm pregnant
yea it's gotta suck, I just got married last month and now my new hello, is, "so when are we having babies?"
Hate it!
My Blog
TTC since 4/09 - Dx PCOS 1/10, HSG: All Clear
4 Failed Clomid cycles of varying degrees
Clomid + Bravelle + Trigger + IUI = BFP!!
Ectopic M/C 9/16/10 ~ Forever in our hearts
BCP+Lupron+Estrogen+DE ET+PIO = BFP!!!
Beta #1: 507 #2: 1561 #3: 4,472 #4: 11,172
BFPBs Sul06, MrsW722 & SnowflakeBride06
GL to Mari2003 and all of the rest of the 3T Ladies
My BFP Chart
This.. execpt i got married in April... so people stopped by now. Except my mom and MIL.
Also.. i got sick a couple weeks ago and had to go the DR. every appointment i have my co workers are like.. so when are you due? I'm like sssshhhhhhuuuuttttt it!!!!
Oh yes...what a pleasure this cycle has been. I would really like to respond to the girls "Um no....I have less hormones than you biatches do..kill me" But somehow that feels unprofessional.
I need a T-shirt that reads "shut it!" because I hate that people think they are obligated to know when you are trying!!
My Blog
TTC since 4/09 - Dx PCOS 1/10, HSG: All Clear
4 Failed Clomid cycles of varying degrees
Clomid + Bravelle + Trigger + IUI = BFP!!
Ectopic M/C 9/16/10 ~ Forever in our hearts
BCP+Lupron+Estrogen+DE ET+PIO = BFP!!!
Beta #1: 507 #2: 1561 #3: 4,472 #4: 11,172
BFPBs Sul06, MrsW722 & SnowflakeBride06
GL to Mari2003 and all of the rest of the 3T Ladies