Trying to Get Pregnant

Giving Charting a Chance

My DH has realized tthat leaving things to chance may not be the best approach for trying to get ku.  With that being said, we are going to try charting so that we know what is going on with my body and hopefully increase our chances. 

I'm going to sign up for FF, buy TCOYF and BBT.  Is there anything else that I need to get that would be helpful?  Also, I'm still waiting for AF to come, when should I start charting?

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Re: Giving Charting a Chance

  • start charting the first day of your AF (not spotting).  Just remember to temp at the same time everyday with 3 hours of sleep.  GL
  • We are ttc as soon as possible (God willing) and I explained to him that charting was the best way to know what is going on with my body and increase our chances.  That way we know if I'm even Oing or not.
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  • You can start charting now if you want to get used to getting up and temping first thing. 
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  • imagegymnst1013:
    You can start charting now if you want to get used to getting up and temping first thing. 


    I'm glad I started before AF because it gave me an idea of what my post-O temps are.

  • I also think starting now would be good practice.  I love charting because it makes me feel like I have a better picture of what is going on. 

    Also, make sure to keep the BBT right next to your bed, with a pen and paper.  You should temp first thing before you move or anything.  Even just sitting up in bed will alter your temp.  Set an alarm to make sure it is at the same time everyday too (I think someone said that already).  And write down the temp right after you get it so that you don't forget.

    BTW - I also use the fertility microscope to look for ferning.  I don't think it is that great, but it is so easy to use that I figure I might as well do it in addition to everything else.

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