I have been charting for about a month now. In the beginning my temp was lower (ie. high 96 to low 97. My temperatue spike as it should have and it has remained up. I am a day or two late on my period now but I had some spotting about 3 days before I was suppossed to start. The thing I am confused about is that they say not to take your temp in the am before you move around so that your temp does not increase from movement. For the last week out of curiousty have been taking my temp at night as well and it is much lower than it is in the morning before I get up! This seems backwards to me - shouldn't it be higher than the am temp since I have been moving around all day?
Re: Basal Temp Question
So, kdodge, because I told you that I get 'light spotting" before AF starts, it got really irriated and decided to come dressed as a faucet instead. Its been horrific, actually.
HA! thats true, I saw you're still spotting today. Tell that skank to get the stupid show on the road.