Hey there! Feeling good thanks, just a little tired. 1st appt. is tomorrow, but it's just the standard family med history, blood draw, etc. Nothing exciting. Hopefully my level looks good.
I made some Garlic & Herb pork chops, mashed potatoes & corn. I ate too much, now I must go put on some stretchy pants.
MMM I love cold pizza! Standard appt is just a pap smear, bloodwork, family medical history. Nothing fun or exciting. Hoping they schedule an u/s for the 1st week in Nov. for me.
Re: **Ericswife**
Hey there! Feeling good thanks, just a little tired. 1st appt. is tomorrow, but it's just the standard family med history, blood draw, etc. Nothing exciting. Hopefully my level looks good.
I made some Garlic & Herb pork chops, mashed potatoes & corn. I ate too much, now I must go put on some stretchy pants.
Oh well I hope it all goes well! I'm not sure what the standard appt. consists of but I'll take your word for it.
That dinner sounds good. I just had leftover cold pizza. I should have come to your house. Btw, I always put stretchy pants on before I bother eating.