Trying to Get Pregnant

F/up to my earlier friend post

I just got this email back. I hate the way he types but I like what he said. This is the relevant part:

i'm really sorry if i put u in a bad position. that wasn't my intention at all. i think didn't make myself clear. i do look for qualities that u have in my girflriends. but, they are just qualities that u made me realize are important to me. we've known each other along time and at this point in my life i think of u more as a sister. 

i would never want to come between u and ur husband. he sounds like a great guy and makes u happy. if u need to take a break from our friendship i totally understand. although it does not make me happy. but i will respect that and hope that someday i can get to know ur husband and that we can continue to be friends. 

So I think that for now it is resolved. We'll see if in the future we will be friends again. I'm very happy because I feel like I was honest and he was honest back. And, I could never have a real relationship with someone who says "u" and "ur," haha!

ETA: I just got this second email: "the reason is, that i am moving, asking my G-friend to move in, and hiring some people to help with the realestate. you remember the cousin we stayed with in Ny?? well she is a diamond wholeseller who is currently shopping for a ring for me. if all goes well i should have a busy year planning in 2010."


Re: F/up to my earlier friend post

  • imageCityGirl07:

    I just got this email back. I hate the way he types but I like what he said. This is the relevant part:

    i'm really sorry if i put u in a bad position. that wasn't my intention at all. i think didn't make myself clear. i do look for qualities that u have in my girflriends. but, they are just qualities that u made me realize are important to me. we've known each other along time and at this point in my life i think of u more as a sister. 

    i would never want to come between u and ur husband. he sounds like a great guy and makes u happy. if u need to take a break from our friendship i totally understand. although it does not make me happy. but i will respect that and hope that someday i can get to know ur husband and that we can continue to be friends. 

    So I think that for now it is resolved. We'll see if in the future we will be friends again. I'm very happy because I feel like I was honest and he was honest back. And, I could never have a real relationship with someone who says "u" and "ur," haha!

    Love this!

    But, on the serious side, it sounds like you made the right choice, and I'm glad you were honest with each other.

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  • HA! Funny, but that is good.. seems like a nice guy.. maybe give it some time and you can be friends again.. Big Smile
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  • Just wondering ... does your DH know anything about this guy? I think if you are going to continue on a friendship with him your DH should know.
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  • Yes- good for you. And I always use u and ur. Unfortunately... just a short cut... lol
  • imageMrsKR20:
    Just wondering ... does your DH know anything about this guy? I think if you are going to continue on a friendship with him your DH should know.

    He knows he exists but they've never met. I think I've only seen him once since DH and I have been together, since he lives down south. We went out for dinner but not alone. DH doesn't know about the back and forth interest although I've told him I used to have a crush on this guy. 

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