BFP!!! I can't believe it! I really wasn't sure because this was our first cycle actively trying...please don't hate me! Today is DH's 30th Birthday, so we tested first thing this morning and there it was. I had a dream last night that I took a test and it was positive too...very strange!
Symptoms: 15 DPO, some cramping...I think I know when implantation actually occurred because I had a sharp cramp that lasted for a few minutes and then got very flushed, slightly lightheaded & sweaty for a minute or two and then it went away, have had the pinching cramps here and there too. I have been very flushed lately, my nips have been sore & sticking out more (tmi, but hey, it happens!), and my tummy was not only bloated but a little sore, which I never had before.
If someone can tell me (or PM me) how to post a pic on here, I will show you girls the test & what I wrote on it for the Hubbs! (can't believe I do not know how to do that, but you have to learn sometime!)
Hoping for a very sticky baby!!
Sprinkles everyone with TONS of baby dust! I will still be on here to support everyone else as you have all done for I said before...GP rocks!
Re: Tested this morning, and.....
Carina 12.28.2010 | Aurelia 9.23.12 | Chart - Round 3
BFP #1 11/28/09 ~ EDD 8/6/10 ~ DS Born 8/9/10
BFP #2 8/27/13 ~ EDD 5/8/14 ~ Natural MC 9/18/13 at 6 weeks, 6 days
BFP#3 3/28/14 ~ EDD 12/7/14 ~ DD Born 11/21/14
BFP#4 6/15/17 ~ EDD 2/20/18
My BFP Chart
My Chart:
TTC #1- 3 failed rounds of Clomid/ Surprise Natural BFP w/weight loss- 9/22/11 DD 5/12
DX. Dec '09 w/ Inappropriate LH Secretion Syndrom/PCOS/ Anov 28 months
(Former username: xxbblueangelxx)
DH: Severe MFI/Azoo Me: Compound heterozygous MTHFR
IVF #1= m/c- methotrexate @6w2d
IVF #2= m/c- D&C @8w5d
IVF #3= Beta #1 9dp5dt= 252, Beta #2 11dp5dt= 417, Beta #3 17dp5dt= 4,952
US #2 @ 7w2d= twins, baby B measuring behind
US #3 @ 8w5d= Baby A doing well, no HR in baby B
*S/PAIF always welcome*
My Chart
~SAIF/PAIF/Everyone Welcome~
Me= 37 and DH = 41
Dx: DOR, Endo, APA+ (really high beta 2 glycoprotein antibody and high everything else tested), heterozygous MTHFR mutation, positive for lupus anticoagulant, high FSH, low AMH and both tubes blocked (per HSG on 3/8/11)
IVF #1 - long lupron (with HGH, intralipids, lovenox and BA); 4 retrieved, 3 fertilized; ET 2 blasts and 1 frozen = BFN
IVF #2 - a version of antagonist with EPP (with HGH, intralipids, lovenox and BA); 6 retrieved, 4 mature, 3 fertilized, 2 blasts and 1 frozen blast transferred on day 5 = BFN.
IVF #3 April was postponed to May, May was canceled. June/July was canceled. Had a cyst aspiration and then began IVF #3 in August. ER on 8/22; ET on 8/24 with AH. +HPT on 9/5. Beta #1 (11dpo) = 3; Beta #2 (15dpo) = 29; Beta #3 (17dpo) = 60; Beta #4 (19 dpo) = 118. Heartbeat at 6 weeks 6 days =132. Lil is here!
TTC#2: Trigger + TI = BFN; Clomid + Trigger + IUI = BFN.
IVF #4: BCP + MDLF + Lovenox = 7R, 1F = Transferred 1 6-cell embryo on day 3 = BFN
IVF #5: MDLF + Lovenox = 4R, 1F = Transferred 1 10-cell compacting embryo on day 3 = BFN
IVF #6: (New RE): Long Antagonist November 2014 (transferred two 8 cell grade 1 embryos and froze one blast) = BFN
Raeleigh Elizabeth
Congrats! Several NYC BFPs in the last few weeks...can I have some of the water you girls are drinking??
H&H 9 months!
:::Throws tons of water to City Girl:::
BFP #2 1/22/2012 ~ DS2 & DD ~ BIRTHday 9/13/2012 ~ unplanned C-section @ 38w1d
(I'm pretty sure you can't actually feel the precise moment of implantation though.)
BFP 11/25/2009 ~ Blighted Ovum Discovered 12/10/2009 ~ Natural M/C 12/24/2009
BFP 3/29/2010 ~ EDD 11/25/2010
Sawyer Marshall ~ November 16, 2010