Trying to Get Pregnant

Tested this morning, and.....

BFP!!! I can't believe it! I really wasn't sure because this was our first cycle actively trying...please don't hate me! Today is DH's 30th Birthday, so we tested first thing this morning and there it was. I had a dream last night that I took a test and it was positive too...very strange!

Symptoms: 15 DPO, some cramping...I think I know when implantation actually occurred because I had a sharp cramp that lasted for a few minutes and then got very flushed, slightly lightheaded & sweaty for a minute or two and then it went away, have had the pinching cramps here and there too. I have been very flushed lately, my nips have been sore & sticking out more (tmi, but hey, it happens!), and my tummy was not only bloated but a little sore, which I never had before.

If someone can tell me (or PM me) how to post a pic on here, I will show you girls the test & what I wrote on it for the Hubbs! (can't believe I do not know how to do that, but you have to learn sometime!)

Hoping for a very sticky baby!!

Sprinkles everyone with TONS of baby dust! I will still be on here to support everyone else as you have all done for I said before...GP rocks! Smile

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