We are having the hardest time with a girls name. My husband really likes Emily but I am concerned about its popularity (although I do love the name). I don't want my daughter to be in class with 5 Emma/Emilys. So we just came up with Mia as another option we both like. Sloane happens to be my middle name and I'm not sure how I feel about that as a middle name for her but I like it with Mia. I am much less concerned with the middle names though.
Let me know what you think!
Re: poll: which do you like best
I had the same hesitation with the name Emily, but it was the only name that H and I loved. I was one of four Kristins in a class of 36, and I made it out okay. We're happy we went with what we loved.
So of course I'm biased towards Emily, but I like all of your choices.
I love Emily Paige.
I also like Emily much better than Mia.