If you have 2 or more little ones, when do you do most of your cleaning? I'm not talking about the day-to-day dishes, laundry, etc. I'm referring more to the deep cleaning - like cleaning bathrooms, mopping, dusting, changing linens, etc.
My DH is great and helps with lots of the cleaning around our house, but we both are having a hard time finding the time for it! He works full-time, I work part-time, but our shifts are opposite so the kids are never in daycare, and we have no family closeby. The only day we are home together all day long is Sunday. We like to devote that to family day instead of cleaning day. I feel like I should get more done during the weekdays, but I never seem to be able to manage it.
Oh, and if you choose option 1, please feel free to share how you manage that. Are your kids great nappers and at the age where they nap at the same time? Are you somehow able to do it while both are awake?
Thanks for sharing!
Re: Clicky poll re: cleaning
I clean a room a night and do the bulk and laundry on Saturday morning.
I go to school all Sat afternoon and work 8-4. M-F.
DS is at the age now where he likes to "help" so I can get more done than I have in the past, more recently.
Once #2 arrives we will be hiring a service. It was a compromise DH and I made when we got PG.
The funny thing is I actually ENJOY cleaning. I just don't have the time to put my heart and soul to it like I used to. I'd much rather be dancing with DS in dirty house.