
16 month old twins sleeping like crap - help!

They have separate bedrooms in our new house, which we thought would help a ton, but for the past few weeks they are both waking up at all hours. Last night between the two of them my husband and I had to get up 8 times! I know part of it has to do with the fact that my husband, up until recently, worked the night shift, so anytime one of them would cry I would have to get them up for fear of the other one waking up and having to deal with both of them by myself. I know that has spoiled them. Lately if we try to make them CIO it wakes the other one up and we are left with two hysterical babies. I really don't know what to do. They have nighlights, Ben has a sound machine, we make sure they are wearing comfortable clothes, that they are warm enough. We just can't figure out what the problem is.

Re: 16 month old twins sleeping like crap - help!

  • I understand your pain, I am too going through similar.  I have stopped listening to people with one child tell me how they do it, having two is just different, and just when I figure something that works, they go change on me!  I work evenings, so don't get home to after midnight so its my DH tha tis getting up.  We have done all you have done and are fearful that one will wake the other, so now we just pull one out and bring them in beside us, then no none gets any sleep.  They also get up early, 6.30am!!!  WE have been giving them milk to put them back over to sleep and this works, but I know this is not the long term answer.  Good luck and hang tight, I know it has to get better! 
  • Thank you so much for your reply - it sounds like we're going through almost the same situation! We still give them milk at night to get them back to sleep, but I know we can't do that much longer. Having 2 is totally different than one - I agree! Unless someone has had twins they really can't give advice I guess. Good luck to you too! Hopefully yours and mine will start STTN very soon!
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  • Sleep got better for a few weeks for our two and then got worse again.  Now my DD is teething her 2 yr  old molars and wakes up a couple times.  Then it wakes my DS up and he gets worried about her (they also have separate rooms and sound machines).  Now my DS is going through some wakeful period and attachment thing so I have to run to him immediately to prevent him from crying and waking up DD (who is a VERY light sleeper).

    I take my DS (still nursing) and my DH takes my DD for the night wakings.  My DS almost always will go back down with a little nursing, rocking, and/or a kiss and hug.  My DD just needs a little attention/caress on the cheek.  We don't do CIO because 1) It doesn't fit our parenting style and 2) they just wake each other up and we don't want to deal with 2 crying babies.

    I keep telling myself this can't last forever and it's just a stage that will pass.  This has been true in the past, so I hope it's not wishful thinking.

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