
Need advice about DS fighting me everytime it involves going to bed!

I have 8 mth old twins - lately my son fights me everytime I put him down for a nap or for the night.  He used to be so great - I would put him down and then he would play for a while then fall asleep on his own.  Since he started having trouble, I would pick him up, and sing him a song or talk to him in a soothing voice - that worked for a while but now it doesn't even seem to help!  Any advice?  Is it a phase?  I have also tried giving him teething tablets just in case he is in teething pain - sometimes it works sometimes it doesn't.

Re: Need advice about DS fighting me everytime it involves going to bed!

  • I think he's just old enough now to know that you will come get him if he keeps it up.  I would just give him a few days of letting him cry so he knows you won't come rescue him.  Good luck...bedtime was a challange for us for awhile too but a few nights of letting them cry and now they go right to bed all on their own.
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