Hi ladies!
I just found out I was pregnancy last week (yay!) so I'm shopping around for an OB. I've gone to the Women's Group of Franklin for pap smears, but I really want to shop around. If you want to, recommend your OB. I've love to hear her name (I really only want to see a female), where her clinic is, and at which hospital she delivers. Also, our insurance does not cover maternity, so we're going to have to pay for this out of pocket. If you have any idea of what the cost is, please let me know that too!
Thanks so much!
Re: Recommend your Nashville/Franklin OB!
I got to Franklin Women's Center. I love Dr. Dykes. She was my OB for my 3rd.
I think the "street" cost is about $3k for a normal vaginal delivery. I had insurnace that paid for most of it.
They will work a payment plan with you.
www.healthcarebluebook.com is a pretty cool site that will tell you what the actual cost should be for various medical treatments.
I go to the Womens Medical Associates of Nashville and see Dr. George. You can deliver either at Centinneial or Baptist and normal vag delivery is 3K.
The practice is all women and I've also seen Dr. Yu when Dr. George was at a delivery and she had great bedside manner.
I'm seeing Dr. Woodall at the Franklin Women's Center. Everyone over there is extremely nice, and I never have a long wait. Plus, they do your ultrasounds in house.
All the doctors there deliver at Williamson Medical Center.
My insurance is covering all but about $700, and I'm having twins, so I'd say they're pretty reasonable.
I too love Tennessee Women's Care. I see Dr. Haney and she is fabulous! The whole place is run very well and organized. It's super easy to get bloodwork and U/S done. Her price for a uncomplicated vag. delivery was 3,000. That covers all initial appointments as well. I have a friend who also goes there and she had a baby in the spring and was very happy with everything. My doctor delivers babies at Babtist and Centennial.
Been married since 2009.
Unicornuate Uterus (yes I menstruate glitter)
Several MCs
DD born 2013 (our miracle "you can't have babies" baby!)