My three year old is constantly hurting his 11 month old sister. I am so fed up with it. How do you discipline your older child? I have been doing time outs but it doesn't seem to change the behavior. He throws toys at her head, steps on her fingers (on purpose while giving me the side eye), etc. Today I took away his option of watching any of his shows. Will he understand this discipline?
Re: How do you discipline a 3 year old for hurting sister?
I could've written this post exactly except substitute 11 month old sister for 5 month old kitten. It's beyond frustrating for me. Like you, time outs, taking toys away, yelling, sending him to his room, all of that, does NOTHING. Hopefully someone will come in with some good ideas.
ETA: Like the poster above me!
We have resorted to taking away his toys immediately.
Not just the toy that he threw or that the fight was over but his "current" favorite toy.
Then I put him in his room in time out and tell him when he can be nice he can come out.
The toy is returned later in the day when I see that he is being nice to her.
We started this 2 weeks ago and I see improvements on how he treats his sister.
My 3 yo is good to her her sister (11 weeks) 90% of the time, but there's 10% of the time where she hurts her on purpose and it's really upsetting.
Like the PP said, I try to give as little attention to it as possible. She gets disciplined (TV turns off, goes to her room, etc) but I notice that if I get really mad and yell she's getting ATTENTION, which is exactly what she wants. Yes, it's negative attention, but it's still attention nonetheless. So I opt for low-key discipline even though that doesn't always work (b/c I get SO mad at her when the baby cries)
I'm sure it has. Transitions are tough on the little ones and he probably doesn't like having to share the only parental attention around right now. The hugs and kisses helped a lot at 3 y/o b/c he hated doing it initially. It was a big deterent to him torturing his sister, but it had some nice long-term results that I didn't expect. They're pretty lovey now, as long as they're not torturing each other (sorry to tell ya, it never really ends).
My kids are 3 years apart and Ethan did this recently for a couple of weeks, he's 4. He'd hit and push his brother and I was very upset. To a point where I had to sit down with him and ended up sobbing through the whole conversation.
I also threated to hit E (4 y.o.) at some point if he hits his brother again. never had to do it, thank G-d. Not the best moment of my parenting, but I could not come up with anything else at the moment, I was too upset after E hit J and was laughing while J was crying.
It did not last long, thank G-d. But whenever he's being nice to his brother I try to reward him with something, or at least mention how nicely he's playing with his brother. We also started doing more one on one time with Ethan.
Hope it'll pass quickly for you too!