Hello-- first time posting here as we're now officially starting ttc #2. I'm very excited and want to try to chart to help our chances out. I found charting very helpful with #1. It's only been a few days so far, but I'm already having trouble taking my temperature at the same time in the morning-- between my shifting work schedule and DS' random early wake-ups, I don't know how I'll be able to be so accurate with my timing for temp taking.
If you did or are charting for number 2, has it been a huge problem taking your temp at the same time every morning? And, if it has, what effect has it had on the accuracy of your chart? I'm sure it doesn't help, but just wondering.
Re: Charters TTC #2?
I remember reading that by waking up an hour later, you'd expect to see a .1 rise in temp., if that helps? ?
Hello there,
I temp at all hours since DD wakes up anywhere from 4:00AM to 6:00, so my temps are not as consistent as before having DD, but I can still figure out thermal shift and I pay close attention to EWCM. Good Luck!!! Hope your stay is short!