I feel like I'm about to loose my mind! This is IVF #2. (IVF #1 on highest dose microdose lupron flare was a BFN.) I met my mom in NYC over the weekend and when i got to the hotel, I was spotting. I haven't told my mom about this cycle, so I claimed that I wasn't getting reception in the room, an went down the hall to call the nurse. She calmed me down - it turned out that it was just irritation from the suppositories - but I spent the rest of the night at dinner convinced that AF was coming any minute.
I was kind of calm last night (with the exception of getting in fight with DH - he was being a jerk last night!), but then started getting really nervous this morning. I have no symptoms. Nada. Nothing. Except, lower back pain and cramps that I've had for almost the entire 2ww. I'm trying to convince myself that those cramps are something else other than AF screaming in frustration being kept at bay by the estrace and progesterone.
Hate this!
Re: Beta tomorrow. So nervous!
(((HUGS)))) I know how you're feeling. I'm in the 2ww and every time I feel a lower back cramp, I'm convinced it's AF coming. Someone should write a book on the things that pop into our heads during this 2ww. It's pure torture! I hope things work out for you- I know nothing I say can make you feel better but you're not alone. We're all here for you.
IUI- BFN IVF #1 -BFP! Allie is our 2nd IVF baby. Born at 36 1/2 weeks after pre-e again
We all know where you are.
It is one of life's ironies that AF symptoms and early pregnancy symptoms are so dang similar.
The day before I got my BFP, I was returning from a very early morning assignment and I really thought AF had started. I had those early AF light cramps ( still kinda do, off and on) and I felt...not to be too gross....wetness. I was not only bummed, but also annoyed that I didn't have any pads with me. Got home...nothing. Next day, same symptoms, BFP.
You are still in this, sister!
Keep us posted tomorrow. I'll be thinking of you!
It is so hard. The 2ww is the worst mind game ever.
I really really hope that you get your BFP! There has been such a tornado of BFPs on here - it should be your turn now.