I was offered a PT job and even though it is in my field and a decent offer, I couldn't make the finances work. At the end of the day (after taxes, daycare, expenses) I would olny bring home about $250 for 20 hours work per week. SO not worth it to me. I am a bit bummed. I was looking forward to getting something started back up career wise.
NYC metro sucks. Cost of living far outweighs salary sometimes. THANK GOD we are good on DH's salary and I can keep looking. I guess I will be a SAHM a little longer.
Re: NPR: PT work as a mom = not really
Sorry, that sucks. If you're really thinking about going back though, it might be worth it just for something recent on the resume.
The only way I've been able to make PT work is by using a Mother's Day Out program rather than a regular daycare and doing some work at home either at nap/night or while DD is playing, but I have very flexible hours.