TTC after 35

~Am I the only one?~ Thoughts of pregnancy.....

Hi ladies..newbie here :)

Im 34 (turn 35 this month)....hubbys 37..never been pregnant, we've never tried to get pregant.......I have to say the idea of getting pregnant/being pregnant is a little scary to me.......add on some of the risks due to 35 being 'advanced maternal age'.....from what i've read.....freaking out a little.......I was thinking we would maybe try this month....not sure.....

Am i the only one that feels like that? i being irrational?!

thanks ladies!

Re: ~Am I the only one?~ Thoughts of pregnancy.....

  • Hi, Jen.

    Where you are is where I was up until about 14 months ago. 

    You're not being irrational, I don't think. You just need to weigh everything and see how that makes you feel.

    I ended up looking at it like this: The chances for certain issues are greater at my age, but they are still tiny percentages.

    Good luck in your decision.

    This is a very supportive board.

  • I think I felt the same way my first time too.  I was 36.  I remember feeling a little freaked out about the "AMA" stuff too, but remember that it doesn't suddenly get really high risk just because you turned 35.  It gradually goes up from somewhere in the 20's, like a slow curve.  I guess they just had to draw the line in the sand somewhere so they picked 35.  Lucky for us Wink

     Good luck and have fun!!!

    Mother of a beautiful little boy 11/01/07! Expecting #2 EDD 9/28/11 What a wonderful surprise!!!
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  • I think it is normal to be scared.   Just make sure you really really want a child before you start TTC.  You can get through the fear of getting preg / being preg.   

    Good luck!  And feel free to stick around this board if you do start TTC. 

  • thanks ladies. I will keep you posted. Your input is greatly appreciated!

    This growing up stuff is hard! ;)

  • Hi - I'm 34 1/2 (Only TTC can get me to start counting my age in 1/2 years again just like when I was a kid) so I lurk on this board.  I just wanted to say that I can relate.  I've been TTC for 9 months and I'm 99% certain AF is on her way so I'm heading into month 10. 

    Sometimes I get very scared that I won't be able to get pregnant.  But sometimes it makes me nervous about getting pregnant/having kids. I know, without a doubt, that I want kids.  I also know it's a huge responsibility and a complete life change (especially the older I get).  I think it's ok to be nervous about having kids - because that means you appreciate what a big deal it is.     

  • Sorry this is totally off topic.  But, I love your picture of the cenotes!

    Like the others have said, it's normal to be nervous.  This is a great board for finding out more about TTC and connecting with people who are going through the same stuff. 

  • Totally normal.  It was a really big decision for DH and I to make.  I am not really nervous anymore, because the longer it doesn't happen for us, the more I focus on getting pregnant and less about what that means.  Not sure if that makes sense or not.  I am sure once I am pregnant, all those fears will come crashing back.
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  • When you start thinking about having a baby it freaks you out, for sure.  My suggestion is to stop reading about "advanced maternal age."   What you read is much scarier than it actually is.

    GL to you and keep us posted! : )

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  • Totatlly normal.  In fact, I think it would be irrational NOT to have at least some of those feelings.
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  • Aw thanks....Mexico was a blast...and the cenotes were beautiful! 

    I feel better now with all of this support. Thanks ladies

  • no you're not the only one that feels that way! Hubby and I are both 35. I'll be 36 in 5 months. This is our first time trying to get pregnant too. Hubby and I are both excited but I'm also very scared! Good luck!
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