
So there's a "Snarky and T-TTC" board?

Really? So now we have spinoff snarky boards?

Re: So there's a "Snarky and T-TTC" board?

  • I saw that too. That seems pretty lame.
  • I'm guessing that some of the posters on the TTTC board are snarky and mean-spirits and other girls might have asked the Nest gods to give them their own space---when you're having TTTC, snarkiness is really not something you want to encounter, IMO. ?Although, not sure what keeps the snarky girls from going back to the regular TTTC board.
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  • What's the point of a separate board for snarky people when, by definition, they need "victims" to snark at?  It would have to be a "stupid questions and snarky answers" board or something in order to function properly, wouldn't it? That's lame.

  • sounds like a nice place to know to get support during those t-ttc times.  snarky parenting?  snarky multiples?  snarky miscarriage/pg loss.  (sounds pathetic, huh?)

    and honestly i just now snoop nested over and it didn't appear all that snarky.  oh well.

    Patty Matt 4/7/05 and Sean 12/14/06 image
  • There are definitely some people over there that are not very friendly.  I'm not judging those people, but I have seen them rip a few girls for things they posted.  Again, not judging.  Just an observation.
    L 7/06 E 8/07 L 6/10 imageimageimage
  • I just saw that too. Just what the nest needs -- more spin-offs.

  • So let's go over there and give them a taste of their own f*cking medicine if they want to be sh*tty to others having TTTC.
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