Georgia Babies

Target Deal- Pampers Easy Ups

Not sure if anyone uses these, but the Acworth store had the big boxes of these marked down half price this weekend- they were like $12.  I saw sizes 4 and 5.  They are not with the other diapers- they are on a bottom shelf underneath the Pack n Plays (no idea why they put their baby markdowns here, but this is where I find them all the time!)






Re: Target Deal- Pampers Easy Ups

  • Hey, do you use these instead of diapers? G's in a size 5 right now and seriously fighting me every single time I try to change her diaper. Maybe pull-ups would be easier. We'll probably be potty training sometime soon too...
    Lil' G was born April 25, 2008! Big C was born September 28, 2011! Image and video hosting by TinyPic
  • No, we don't use them yet- I just noticed it was a good price.  IMO, pull ups are NOT easier than regular diapers.  I keep the 2 year old class at church and all of those kids are in pull ups and I HATE them.  Such a pain to get on and off. 






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  • ooooh. Good to know. Thanks!
    Lil' G was born April 25, 2008! Big C was born September 28, 2011! Image and video hosting by TinyPic
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