They asked if they could bring over lunch today and come for a visit. I'm thinking when you bring lunch, everything will be prepared and I just have to set the table. Nope, they had to grill the shish kebabs and I had to cook the garlic bread, serve, set the table, etc. Umm, if I'm bringing lunch to someone I certainly wouldn't be making them do any work. That's my first vent.
Second vent. She brought some Greek cookies and wanted to give them to DS. I was in the bathroom getting ready as we were being lazy this morning and DH told her no. When I came down she was sitting in one of our microfiber chairs in the family room, with DS on her lap shoving a breaking cookie into his mouth with crumbs flying all over her, the chair and the floor. I asked to take him to put him down for his nap as it was already late and she said to let her finish giving him the cookie. I told DH and he went to go clean it up as I took DS upstairs and I guess she threw a fit that 'someone' else should have told her and she was in a pissy mood for the rest of the afternoon.
Then after lunch DH goes into the refrigerator and sees my progesterone suppositories sitting out in front, which I don't normally keep there, but I was really tired last night and guess I just tossed them back in. Well, he starts to flip a lid because supposedly his mom had put the tzatzki for lunch in the frig and when DH asked where it was she said it was in the frig with something else that doesn't belong there. I didn't hear her say this so I'm taking it as hearsay, but why would she make a comment like that?! They don't know we did an IUI for DS or for this child as we've kept our issues very private. I tried to convince DH that people use progesterone for other things, but he was obsessing about the label saying Freedom Fertility Pharmacy.
The last thing I'll comment on was that as I was cleaning up she took a bag and gave it to DH and said it was DS' birthday present. They were in Greece for his birthday, but they've seen us since. DH said we're not celebrating his birthday anymore as it was 7 weeks ago. Then she threw another fit and said we'll just take them and donate them then.
If you're going to come to my house then you better suck it up and put on your big girl panties! You're in your late 60's and acting like you're in your teens with your attitude.
Re: NTTCR: Aaargh to my MIL (really, really long)
Too bad you can't have a drink. You need one after a day with her.
Maybe I will go have one for you.
I hope you get a nice long break before you have to see her again.
I love my IL's but they live 1800 miles away...and sometimes that's a good thing.
Sorry she drove you crazy...maybe you can have something sugary and bad to get you through it!
I wish you lived near me so we could go out for decaf coffee and vent about our Greek MILs. My situation is so so similar. My MIL is a very nice lady and she doesnt act all pissy like yours but all of those things..... yep, that is my life too. I am raising my stepdts (H has custody) but my MIL constantly acts like they are her children. It is so annoying. Beyond frustrating and annoying. I hate to complain about her because she is very kind to me but she is so so overbearing and controlling.
We had my MIL over for the stepkids b-day last week. Each of the girls had a big piece of cake. Of course they both ask for more - H and I said "no, you had enough". MIL then proceeds to shove more cake in their mouths from her plate. I could go on and on..........
Wow, the in-law's sound like real fun....your post is funny. My mother made us all a bit nuts this Saturday as well. Let's just say she made a list of chores for us to acomplish that she can no longer do like taking down her curtains and washing them since she is in her 70's and is not very! And we have to see her again for Brooklyn's birthday party. Hopefully, she won't pull the "Want to see my anti-itch medication (while shoving a box of Lanacane in my face) in the middle of us singing and video taping Happy Birthday to Brooklyn.....