Georgia Babies

Big Lots - Kids Chairs

So I found a nice green and pink striped chair for Allison at Big Lots but I cannot find a nice solid color for Elliott and I don't want a Georgia Bulldogs motif chair. Does anyone know if their Big Lots has one? I went to two today and neither had them.



Re: Big Lots - Kids Chairs

  • hey! I was at the one at post oak tritt and didnt see anything. hmmm

    how much were they?


    imageLilypie Fourth Birthday tickers Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
  • Do you mean the soft the knock off Pottery Barn Anywhere chair ones? If so the Sandy Springs one off Roswell Road had plain blue and pink about a month ago and I got a pink one for Cadence. They were $25.
    Pregnancy Ticker

    DD- 9
    c/p- April 2016
    missed m/c- 6w5d; discovered 8w2d- September 2016

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  • Sort of like the knock off I guess. This one is more of a Rocker. I will have to check the one out in Sandy Springs.


    Georgia the one I got for Allison was $39 and Elliott loves it also.

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